Sunday, March 18, 2018

Cape Ann Shawl and Hats

Hi Dear Folk,

Tierney is visiting for the weekend, and I thought I'd ask her to model my Cape Ann Shawl and Hats.

Here we are discussing places to visit on their trip to England, all around the area they are staying in with my family.  Cavendish, Claire, Long Melford, Lavenham and East Bergholt, Constable county.  Along with a trip to the coast Aldeburgh and Southwold.

This is the one hat I made, pretty much my own pattern, I like this with the ruffle edging.  Has a little crochet button on top.

This is the other hat that I came up with.  Reminds me of a Russian Cossack hat, the flower with a button in came out well.  I did a little edging in white to just tie it in with the shawl, otherwise they, according to Mr. B. didn't tie in together.  These yarn colours are on a continuous ball.

Thought I'd pick these before they are hidden under another nor'easter.  Snowdrops are dainty, and their centres beautiful.

Yesterday I had to go to Walmart to pick up my prescription and it must be my best trip to that store.  Usually my prescription is for 3 months and costs $10.00 I pay for it myself, because it is cheaper to do it that way that put it through the insurance.

Last time Mr. B. picked it up they only refilled it for one month, because the price had tripled, due to the hurricane in Puerto Rico.  I was pleasantly surprised when the price had gone down to the original price, being rather pessimistic, I thought it would not.

The pharmacist had only filled it for a month but I asked her if she could change it to the 3 months and she did.  I found my silver cloth cleaner, jewelry cleaner and black shoe laces instantly by bumping into an actual store employee, who directed me to the correct area.  Took the items back, the pharmacist rung everything up and I was out of the store.  I was gobsmacked that never happens to me in Walmart.  It is usually a bad experience, including a trip to customer service.

My weekend is good.  Found a skein of merino yarn that was hand dyed, I had acquired it over eight years ago on a trip to the Isle of Skye and misplaced it, so just crocheting a little scarf I have made before.  Hope your weekend is good too.



  1. The shawl and hats are lovely - I especially like the 2nd hat. Well done on Walmart - I rarely go in that store as I always get so irritated!

    1. On the whole I avoid Walmart like the plague but sometimes you just have to go there. Thank you for your comment.

  2. Tierney looks beautiful in your lovely creations. The snowdrops look just right in the glass vase. You did well in Walmart. We get prescriptions free here when over 60 but usually takes ages picking them up. Even when you do find a real person to ask, they usually say that it is not their section so they don't know.

    1. It seems all customer service is less and less. It would be nice if prescriptions for over 60's were free here. Thank's for your comment Jean and all the comments you leave.

  3. Your hats are lovely Christy and a pretty model too. I know that part of the UK too, my daughter having lived in SOuthwold for all of 2016 and having the wonderful opportunity to visit her. Lavenham was a fabulous place to stay too. Actually I very much liked most of the UK and could easily move there if I could pack up my pets to go too (and get a job there of course).
    Glad Walmart was good this time.
