Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Broken Branches

Hi Dear Folk,

Thank you for stopping by and I want to express my appreciation for all the lovely comments that you leave.

Wednesday is my day off, I was going to get my taxes done, but found out you can get help in doing them at our public library for free, so cancelled the appointment, it would have been bit of a trek too. The last couple of years a friend who was a tax accountant did them, what with Rob's college, ACA, etc, etc, I found them all a bit overwhelming to do myself, I used to.  Now I am just so done with paperwork, and taxing my brain, excuse the pun, that any help I can get is great.

This morning I was tidying up the kitchen and saw that the compost pot was full, so put on my garden shoes and trekked over to empty it into our composter, when I saw the devastation of those heavy snow storms on my bushes, I fear the hybrid garden St Johns wort will never be the same because a whole center branch has broken off.  It puts out such pretty yellow puff ball flowers and the bees love them.  I noticed Mr. B. had taken it over to the fallen branch pile, but had not informed me, I guess he knew I would be upset.  What a mess it is out there.  Can't wait for spring and to get stuck into the big clean up and planting.

It is quite bitterly cold and I see we are to have our fourth nor'easter later today and mostly tomorrow, I might just take a PTO day, so fed up of sitting on cold railway platforms for hours waiting for a train.

My friend asked me to feed her cat while she is away, she has an alarm on her house and it freaks me out.  The darn thing went off because even though I was punching the code in, it wouldn't take it, one last go keying it in and the alarm stopped, so think all is well and didn't get any follow up with the security company.  Then I couldn't reset the alarm when I left because having triggered the alarm, the green light didn't show and didn't know how to reset it. So I left and just locked up.  When Mr. B. got home we went over and he figured out how to reset it and get the green light on so we could arm the alarm again.  What a to do.  They have a Persian, quite a cutey, poor thing did not want me to leave, I felt like bringing him home.

Do you have a lot of wires and chargers?  It seams that every device needs a different charger, I now keep them all on the table in front of the TV, so I can find them easily, I think I'll put them in a little basket.  I have a Fire and Mr. B. has my old Fire and do you think they can take the same charger, no.  Camera chargers, phone charger, Mac charger, iPad charger, and there must be more.  Is life simpler or more complicated?

Ventured out into the sun porch which has not been used over the winter.  My mandelvilla and geraniums may actually stagger out of the sun porch into spring and live to bloom another day.  The Tahitian wedding veil is looking great.  Even the calla lilies in the basement are still living, waiting for spring.

Was able to sort out a few boxes in the basement and gets some things thrown out, every little bit helps.  I even found a small bag I had bought in Hawaii and had wanted to use at the beach, but couldn't find it.  After helping Joni sort through her house, I realize it is not good to leave it to when you are not in a position to do it yourself.



  1. This winter certainly has been hard on the plants. We have some sort of small bushy evergreen that the landscaper cut back way too much and now all this snow has broken the branches that weren't hacked off. It is going to have a long, hard recovery I am afraid.

    Hope your St. Johnswort comes back for you.

  2. I have lots of chargers too but my phone and tablet are compatible. I keep them in a drawer in the living room. I keep having a declutter and did a bit more today. It is very satisfying.
