Saturday, February 10, 2018

Pink Flowers and Pets

Hi Dear Folk,

I think I made the wise decision and stayed home on Thursday.  Friday I was feeling under the weather told my boss and took a PTO day.  I was able to get some paperwork done.  Wretched bills that need sorting out, double charged for the anesthesiologist $700 instead of $350 which is what I have to pay.  Plus more medical bills, sometimes I wonder why I pay health insurance when on top there is so much to pay.  Still I have health insurance, but won't when I give up my job.

I'm watching Dr. Finley's Case Book, and the episode touches on the beginning of the NHS National Health Service in the UK, 1948. How many opposed it, how if you were poor and couldn't pay you didn't get any help.  I personally benefited from it as a child in the fifties, having two operations on my left eye, one when I was three and one when I was six to correct a lazy muscle, regular visits every month to St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London until the age of eight and free spectacles. You don't even have to be poor not to be able to afford health care in the USA, and we're 70 years on from when the UK got NHS and the USA is still bogged in the quagmire.

The older I get the less I like doing paperwork, in fact I'm getting a total aversion to it.  I used to be the Excel spread sheet queen, double entry book keeping the whole bit.  The philosophy I live with now is the only thing you can do is not spend it, be frugal.

Here is something that bought a smile to my face, Rob's friend brought me a bouquet of flowers to thank me for Thursday night, movie night the boys have here can be rather loud.  Mostly I'm out on Thursdays, so it doesn't really bother me.  Andrew works in a florest shop.  Such a thoughtful gesture.

Miss Tuppy, found herself three comfortable places to sleep.  The bag I keep a lot of paperwork in.

By the fire.

In one of my fabric baskets.  Cats do make you laugh.


PS:  Think I need to do a little brass polishing


  1. Now that is what I call a bouquet, such a beautiful arrangement. We are certainly blessed to have a NHS system despite its failings at times.

  2. What a thoughtful young man, we need a lot more of those don't we? So sorry you were under the weather, hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

  3. What beautiful flowers. Cats always find the warmest spots. Yes I always think hard before I buy anything after all you can only spend it once. At least I don't have to spend on health care even prescriptions now I am over 60. Hope you are better soon.

  4. Hope you are feeling better by now. That bouquet is simply beautiful! What a lovely gesture. Sweet little kitty.
