Friday, February 2, 2018

I Did the Deed

Hi Dear Folk,

Well I did the deed and resigned or you could say will retire from my job.  I did ask if I could continue on two days a week, but I don't think that will fly.  May 31st that gives my company time to find someone else to replace me, and then me train them.  I like my job, I like my company and I like our small office and co-workers.

It's very scary because I haven't a clue what to do for health insurance, but who in this country does? It came to the point Money or Time?  As my husband said you had to do it sometime.  When to pull the plug and call it quits.  I'm 64 this year, in the USA you can retire at 62 partial SS, 66 1/2 full SS and 70 even more.  One gets Medicaid at 65 even with that you have to buy supplemental health insurance.  I have friends who pay over $400 each person per month for that.  Less if you don't want as good a coverage and more out of pocket expenses.

I have always had a job from the age of sixteen until now.  There is only one year I did not work and that was the year I gave birth to Rob.  I took a year off work.  It was part time work, only the past eight years have I worked full time.  Needs must when Mr. B. lost his job.  We cobbled it together back then and we can do it again.

So I will have time.  Time to do what?  Well a long visit to my sister and family and friends in the UK. I have other plans but will talk about them as I go along.

Must tell you about a dream Mr. B. had last night.  He dreamt we were on vacation and we ordered a meal and he turned to me and said "Do you have any money to pay?"  and I turned back to him and said "Ask God."

I do have faith, all things will work out.



  1. I took early retirement and wonder now how I ever had time to go to work. I fill my days easily as I am sure you will.

    1. You seem to have had a good plan for retiring to the island and living your dream. Financially a bit scary, but I'm sure my time will be filled productively. More time for family and friends.

  2. A sound decision! 64 is enough. I remember you writing about those long commutes in the snow. Time to look after yourself and be warm at home. Bet you find loads to do.

    1. I appreciate your thoughts I have lots of on hold projects that one has no time for when you work, that I want to tackle. One is a big sort out.

  3. Well done! Perhaps we will get to Norway!! Yes scary but exciting too. I don't know how I ever managed to find time to go to work. Am sure everything will work out.

    1. Yes I do so hope we can make that trip to Norway, it would be such fun.

  4. Congratulations (she said with a bit of envy in her voice). I am so ready to retire, but am holding out for a couple more years till I'm 67.

    1. Really I'm just winging it. I thought about holding out a bit longer, but you don't know what tomorrow will bring. I'd like to do a little travelling and want to be healthy enough to do so.
