Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Eagles Shut Down Philadelphia

Hi Dear Folk,

I have decided to swap my days, I am going to take off Thursday instead of Wednesday, even though they are calling for snow and rain on Wednesday, the reason being "Eagles Parade".  As I'm sure you all know even in other parts of the world that the Philadelphia Eagles won the Superbowl. This is the first time they have won it. Patriots have won five times.  Fever is high. The celebration parade is on Thursday, and as much as I would like to be here and watch it from my office, we have a birds eye view here right out front of City Hall, I have decided not to try and come into Philly.

Most of the schools within a radius of Philly will be closed for the day.  An expected one million to three million people will enter the city.  Now I am told that SEPTA can only handle one in four people on their transit system.  I looked up my schedule and the last train runs out of my station at 8:00AM and they are not running anymore trains into Philly after that.  The parade starts at 11:00AM.

I will watch it on TV.

You might like this pre-game skit from SNL. Can't wait to see their after game skit this Saturday.


  1. Smart move! there is no way I would be in the City on Thursday. I'm not a sports fan anyway...didn't watch the game (but was glad they won since it gave me Monday off), but no way would I want to venture into the City. hope the weather is not awful tomorrow!!

    1. I think I've made the wise choice. Train schedules are crazy.

  2. Not sure I would want to be there in those sort of crowds either.

  3. Don't blame you. Best to be at home out of it all.By the way I didn't know the Philadelphia Eagles had won the superbowl in fact I'm not sure that I even knew the Superbowl was being played! Sorry about that.
