Friday, January 5, 2018

Life Happens

Hi Dear Folk,

What a day, just getting into work was a trek.  Arrive at the station and find out from a SEPTA person that all trains are running on a Saturday schedule, that means no 8:15AM train, the next one is 8:45AM, no point in going home just sat in the car with the engine running.  Walk back up to the platform, now find out after sitting there a while, and you must remember we are in a cold freeze, temperature is 10F, train will be thirty minutes late.  Yesterday it snowed and the trains ran on time, if not slow on the tracks.  Today it seems they have a frozen switch problem.  My boss even said they have lit literal fires by them to unfreeze them, really?  Don't they have a switch warmer or something?  What do they do in Canada?  Our train coming up from Delaware could not make it because of this problem so they had to take a train out of the yard, that has to be in Philly and send it up the line for us, my stop is at the end of the line.  After all this I arrive at work at about 10:45AM to come in late on our company President's New Year address.  Thank goodness late trains are a viable excuse.

Below was going to be a post on it's own, I know I've referred to this quote before.  Try and live in the moment and not wish you were somewhere else, make the best of it.  Did get to read more of my John LeCarre biography.

A statement which I think is so simple and yet so profound -

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

John Lennon had this quote in one of his songs Beautiful Boy, but I'm sure it was around before that.  We have all sorts of plans and goals for the future, while life is in the present.

I want to make definite plans for the future but they keep getting thwarted.  Mostly by the follow up on my eyelid surgery.  I have to go back again in March and may need some tweaks at that time, not sure how much more is involved, so will need to keep my health insurance going and that means I've got to stick with my job until all this business is sorted out.  By the time all this is finished it will probably be a year from the time I made my first appointment, I had no idea it would take this long and would have started earlier.

Be happy in the moment and make tentative plans for the future.  A trip to UK to visit family is on my agenda for this year, even if it is later in the year, rather than earlier.

Keep warm up North.


P.S.  Just talking to one of the vendors that I deal with in Maine and he said the high tide with this full moon came right up over the piers in Portland and flooded out many places on the waterfront.   Flooded out and as cold as this must be terrible.


  1. Train delay in the cold is no fun but as you say we have to make the best of a bad situation. I always try to carry a book or magazine or something on my tablet so that instead of waiting and kicking my heels I can enjoy the time. I feel so sorry for the people who are flooded especially in the cold weather. Yes our plans don't always work out but we can enjoy the little things every day.

  2. Sorry about the eye lid issues, transportation and all the other things that made the start of the New Year tougher than normal. I think a trip to the UK later this year sounds like just what you need. Wishing you a wonderful week.

    1. Thank you Mere. Yes I have all sorts of plans, maybe a trip to Ireland and an old friend reunion.
