Saturday, December 16, 2017

It's Saturday Blue Skies and Snow

Hi Dear Folk,

The sun is shining, skies are blue, snow is sparkling and I am drinking coffee in the Simla room from my red Yellowstone Park mug, what could be better?  Breakfast of English scrambled egg on toast and marmalade.

Today is Woof, Woof day for The Boys, that's what I call it, the day they have long awaited of setting up their new sub woofers in their stereo room.  At least six months ago they bought a kit to make two cube shaped cases to house their sub woofers, don't ask me names of anything I don't know that.  One turned out to have a pin prick of a hole, therefore needed to be sent back and a new one sent out, that has taken all this time.  I cannot tell you what a heck of a job it was to get it out of the cabinet cube, we wondered if it was even going to happen.  They had to assemble the cubes, gluing them together, painting them, and I can say they've done a nice job.

The hermetically sealed closet has now been broken into and revealed some treasures and some very mummified and moth eaten doomed articles.  The two disasters that upset me most was my French leather briefcase bought in Cambridge in the early years of our marriage has so cracked as to be not restorable.  The other casualty was a French navy blue wool hat with a veil that the moths destroyed.

My Canadian Indian deer skin bag and wallet is still good, and even had a $20 bill inside, will give that some TLC and an old navy blue leather bag from Paris does not look too worse for wear and will work on that.  Also found my lovely woven backpack from Guatemala and a basket bag from Jamaica that I always liked.

Revealed was my old silk Chinese Mandarin dress bought in China Town San Francisco in the late seventies.  I adored that dress, lovely subtle shade of sage green with bamboo and flowers.  Rob saw it and said he thought Tierney would love it, so is going to get it dry cleaned for her, I hope she does. I have no pictures of me wearing it and I wish I did, I wore it to several friends weddings and some parties.  Maybe if she likes it will get some pics of her wearing it.  Also a fur coat, which I think still fits, couple of jackets and some dresses which I will wash up.

My repertoire of restaurants in Philadelphia is expanding as vendors we do a lot of business with take us out to dinner, this was one we visited more recently Ocean Prime.  Let me say this is way out of my price range at $125 per head, for a three course dinner and wine.  I had Chilean sea bass, with mashed potatoes and a champagne truffle sauce.  The sea bass was sweet and melted in your mouth.  Before we had a number of h'ordeuvres, one being tempura calamari very tasty.  I finished of my dinner with a creme brûlée with fresh berries and of course wine.

I knew it would happen, I had to ban some of the plants to the basement.  I couldn't take the calla lilies in the hallway anymore.  With limited space and the fact that they drip water off the end of their leaves.  One had dangled over my oak wood dresser and has now left a terrible water mark, that Mr. B. will have to try and restore for me.

I'm reading the biography of John LeCarre and National Provincial by Lettice Cooper.  Both are good reads.  Just finished watching a Month In The Country made in 1987 staring a young Colin Firth, Kenneth Branagh, Natasha Richardson and Patrick Malahide.  Set after WWI in Yorkshire.  Mr. Birkin has been hired to reveal a painting hidden by paint in an old church, Mr. Moon has been hired for an archeological dig.  Both are veterans of WWI with shell shock.  Is peaceful and it restores them.  Lovely scenery.

Well must go more to do.



  1. Sounds like you have found some treasures in that closet of ours. We have an Ocean Prime here, it is delicious but I find to be way too expensive. We ate there once and I would not go back. I try to be much more sensible with food. Have a great day with those woofers woofing and your men having fun.

  2. I can just picture you drinking coffee in the Simla room with snow outside. How lovely. Hope the boys project went ok. I had a silk Chinese Mandarin dress years ago given by a friend who had lived in Hong Kong for some time. Long ago outgrown and passed on. I loved it. The hermetically sealed closet sounds intriguing! Shame about some of the contents but hope the others can be restored. Your meal sounds delicious. The film sounds good too.

  3. Ocean Prime sure is pricey! Your closet finds sound lovely (except for the damaged-beyond-repair ones. I would love a Chinese Mandarin dress.

  4. Sounds like some beautiful treasures were unearthed, so many memories!
    Sending you best wishes for the festive season xxx
