Thursday, December 14, 2017

A Thrifted Outfit

Hi Dear Folk,

This morning we woke up to snow and I had a doctor's appointment down in the city, a follow up appointment with the surgeon.  I drove because Mr. B. is suffering with a bad back, and it was a most nerve racking drive.  I had to take Mr. B. with me as wasn't sure if would need him to drive home.  He would rather have stayed at home, I understand that.  Then another doctor's appointment in the afternoon in a totally different direction and I get there and the doctor had a family emergency so appointment was cancelled.  They had left a message on my work number.

Rather than waste the trip I stopped off at Trader Joe's and bought my favorite bread, crumpets, soy crackers and a dark chocolate, caramel and black sea salt bar, now hidden from The Boy.

I realized the other day that the outfit I wore to visit my friend for lunch, was totally thrifted.  Green wool skirt, such a pretty shade of green, tweedy cardigan, polo, brown leather shoes from Germany.  Radley London, leather bag, with a pretty pink flower lining.  On the leather inside it says "A penny for your thoughts" including a penny and a little Scottie dog, made in England.  Amber broach with silver surround and an old amber necklace, my most recent acquisition.

It's amazing what you can find.



  1. I would hate to drive in the city so well done. I love Trader Joe's and wish we had them here. Your outfit looks so smart and together. I must say most of my outfits are from charity shops and I'm quite happy with that.

  2. you look lovely in this!
    I dislike driving in the city as well. It's just so chaotic!
