Thursday, November 16, 2017

Visualize a Trillion Dollars

Hi Dear Folk,

I like visuals don't you?

1 Million stack of $1,000 dollar bills is 4 inches high

1 Billion stack of $1,000 dollar bills is 364 feet high

1 Trillion stack of $1,000 dollar bills is 65 miles high

That kind of puts the deficit into prospective.

Did you know that in the USA the middle class earn $450,000 per year according to some in Washington?

Even though the Tax Policy Center puts its "middle quintile" between $48,300 and $85,600

Some people are so far removed that they haven't got a clue, how the other 99% live.

Richest 1% own half the world's wealth.



  1. That is mind boggling! I often wonder where they get figures from when they quote the "average" wage.

  2. It is crazy to think that anyone thinks this tax plan is the answer. It will cut funds again to those who need it the most, the disabled children and the elderly. What has happened to our conscious as a nation?
