Friday, November 3, 2017

Squeezing The Garden Into The House

Hi Dear Folk,

Do you do this?  Walk around the garden in Autumn and see all the potted plants that you have tended all summer looking at their best and know that any moment they will be meeting their demise, a sharp frost and it's all over, cut off in the bloom of life, what to do?  Not much except to bring them into the house.  Easier said than done.  Nursing them along all winter is hard and by Spring I know I will be ready to throw them out the door.

It's a lot of work, manhandling them into the house, cleaning them up, washing the plates they've sat on all summer, picking of old leaves and trying to come up with the place to put them.

With limited space here we are.

It took all summer for my Tahitian bridle veil to come back after the squirrels dug in the pot and decimated it.

My Boy said "Mum I will go away and come back and you will be walking through highly stacked corridors in this house."  I know what he means, floor space is becoming more and more at a premium.

Enjoying this.



  1. The plants look lovely but I can understand how much work they need and how much space they take up. You must love them a lot!
    Hope come spring it has all been worth it!
    At the moment your house looks beautiful

  2. It really does look nice. And, having plants inside is a good thing, but I know from experience it can get crowded. I'm loving dinner by candlelight again - so soothing.

  3. I mostly stick to hardy plants that survive the winter but I have brought in a beautiful variegated leaf geranium.I have taken cuttings of the other one leaving it to take its chance in a sheltered corner.

  4. Well you have to try and save them don't you? Best of luck with the wintering of the plants.
