Sunday, October 22, 2017

Wingaersheek Beach, Cape Ann, MA

Hi Dear Folk,

A Sunday morning photo, Wingaersheek Beach, Cape Ann.  By this time I was hobbling around on my swollen ankle.  I found myself a walking stick on the drive up to this beach in the woods.  It had a knot at the top, which formed a handle, just needed to be a tad longer, but still useful.

It certainly was a lovely beach day, but that was not in my plans, although sitting still on a beach might have been a wiser course of action.

Tierney said a right of passage for teenagers who live near to the beach is to get a summer job here selling ice creams, she has done it and many of her friends.

This is the scenery on the winding drive up to the beach.  I fell in love with this area of salt grass marshes.


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