Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Beauport House Kitchen

Hi Dear Folk,

The weather is beautiful today.  I had to go to the dentist I needed an old filling re-done, at least it was no more, my mouth is still numb.  I just finished making a pot of soup.  I love soup it's a good hearty meal at this time of year and one gets to be inventive and use up what ever is left over in the fridge.  So left over stock, fresh chicken, boc choy, celery, onions, tin cannelloni beans and carrots.

Thinking of kitchens.

The kitchen at Beauport was in the center of the house, but as with many other rooms it does have two natural light sources, a sky light to the roof and a tiny, tiny inner square open to the elements.

This is not the original kitchen it was actually updated by the next owner a Woolworth heiress circa 1930's.  As the domain of the servants it was utilitarian, except the the giant painting of George Washington.  In fact the historical society had the painting rolled up in storage, until the son of the former house keeper who was there both in the time of Sleeper and McCann said "where is George?"  At this time they found out that he always resided in the kitchen.  Sleeper was partial to George Washington and had some little feature of him in almost every room.

What about this range to cook on?  One would have to wonder what they did for counter space when he entertained all his guests, I'm sure they must have hired additional help or maybe even had them catered.  The housekeeper it seems ran the show in her domain and organized all the dinner parties.

In mr first row home I had a sink not too dissimilar to this, at that time I did not truly appreciate it, but would love one like this now.  Mind you I'd need a bigger kitchen.



  1. Interesting pictures. The kitchen sink looks like it belongs in a bathroom. Sunny here today but very cold and thinking of getting soup out of the freezer for tomorrow lunch. I made it in the summer when tomato and basil were plentiful. Yours sounds good.
