Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Rainy Day Blues and Bakery

Hi Dear Folk,

A day of rain, so let's take a damp rainy tour first of the garden, just a sneak view out the kitchen window at my trumpet fine, with a little light on the matter.

No light on the matter.

Autumn is about to tumble in, I love autumn we were married in October and it is a beautiful time of year here, usually with an Indian Summer, nice to look forward to before winter sets in.

With all the rain my Prairie Bonnet is trailing over the path, so found a little bit of old trellis to hold it up.

Under the kitchen window.

I have visions of more pots from Vietnam for my garden.

On the pond patio.

Under the oak tree with acorns raining down.

Two flea market finds, a carpet beater.  My old physics teacher used to go around the lab with a wooden carpet beater.  He didn't use it on us, but that carpet beater could make any poor inattentive teenager jump out of their skin when it was slammed down on the lab bench in front of them.  Love that red handle.

My other find an old wooden ironing board, I've always wanted one, and even left in the sitting room doesn't look half as bad as the metal monstrosity.  Mr. B. was home he doesn't work on rain days, good job too, because it takes two people to put this ironing board cover on, you think the thing will never fit.

I had made arrangements to meet a friend for lunch, but before that I stopped off at the drug store for some ibuprofen, I've been suffering from back ache since Saturday, when I bent over with the watering can and zing I felt it give me a twinge and it's been giving me trouble ever since.  Then over to Olies to buy some more Vietnamese pots for the garden.  I found three I like and as it was the end of the season they were 30% off.  I had wanted another tall rectangular one, but they didn't have any of those left.  Still I'm happy with what I have and will debut them when I finally have them all placed, where I have a mind to put them.

I met my friend in Abington not too far from the Hospital, as her husband is in hospital, so nice to get together at The Corner Baker, which is a franchise.  We both had soup and sandwich, I had broccoli and cheese soup with smoked turkey, bacon and avocado sandwich, very good, along with a chai latte which hit the spot.  Who would have thought growing up you would be drinking such things as chai lattes.

On the way out Mr.B. gave me instructions to get him some kind of bakery item, but I forgot then remember that I would pass Weinrich's Bakery on the way home, now this is not a franchise, they have been in business since 1919 and at this location since the fifties.  There are so few family run bakeries left that it's a treat to stop off here.

In the above picture to the right you can see a photo of their original bakery.

Isn't this front so very fifties, especially with that advertising on the roof.

Mr. B. got his chocolate eclair with yellow custard and for The Boy and I a chocolate cup cake with white icing.

So for a dull damp day, things were accomplished, Mr. B. cleaned the microwave and took the AC unit out of our bedroom window, and worked on one of the water down pipes that has come off the wall, I laundered The Boys sheets, even though he does his own wash, or else they would never come off his bed.  Friends were met.  A good day.



  1. It really does sound like a good day. The ironing board was a delight, I don't think I have ever come across a metal one before.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I have had the metal one since I was first married in the eighties, and even then it was second hand. It resides in the basement. But I do like my old new to me wooden ironing board.

  2. Your garden looks beautiful even in the rain. I remember my mum had a wooden ironing board but I don't know what became of it. Glad you accomplished so much and enjoyed your lunch. The old bakery is delightful. Not many of those left now.

  3. What a lovely garden!
    I too have a bit of a chai latte addiction.... and that bakery!!!! I have swooned!!!! X
