Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor on Labor Day or should I say Labour on Labour Day?

Hi Dear Folk,

How was your weekend?  Saturday and Sunday were pretty much a wash out,  dull and then torrential rain on Saturday, dull and sprinkles on Sunday, the sun did eventually show her face.  But today Monday is glorious.

I started off with a cup of tea, and then got it into my head to tackle the monster, the monster being the trumpet vine, which I had pretty much let lose all summer.  The trouble with a trumpet vine is that the flowers only appear at the very end of the sprigs as it stretches out towards the sun, so if you cut them back you cut the flowers off and then what is the point of having a trumpet vine.  The hummingbirds and bees love the flowers, so I have left it until now before pruning medusa back.  You can see how thick and woody the main vine is.

Now my poor rose can start grow the other way, as she will have some sunlight from a more rounded prospective.

Tuppy found herself a little sleeping bed in the dust bin lid.

Here is only about half I cut off the trumpet vine, the rest is in the trash can.

I weeded the garden, and planted a few flowers I had growing in other locations that were not doing to well, so gave them another try here.  There is probably only about six or seven weeks left in our flower growing season, but will get to enjoy them.

One of my biggest thrills is that new shoots are showing on my clematis. I dug up my Henry Clematis, it had been in it's previous location for several years but never thrived.  I did have a Henry Clematis in this location and it loved it, but being a very silly person, I tried to tidy it up and I tidied it up too much and killed it.  This one I will just leave alone and let it do it's thing.  It has a lovely large white flower.

I dug it up on one of those hot days, trying to get all the ball stock, I was in one of those moods, "if it lives it lives and if it dies it dies."  I admit though to being very happy that it is happy.

I left some of the trumpet vine trailing above my kitchen window, it's lovely to look out the window and see that greenery hanging down.  In the autumn before winter, I am going to ruthlessly finish cutting it back.

My recent project has been a journal for my trip to Cape Ann.  So I did not mind the rainy days.  I rummaged around to use what I had in the house.  An old Franklin Covey two ring binder, old leather bought up in the Amish country, crocheted Japanese flower and a gathering of old papers for inside.

After I have been to Cape Ann and completed it I will show you, I've had a lot of fun working on it.

Mr. B. has made chocolate chip cookies and that will go down very nice with a cup of tea.

Bye for now,


  1. You have certainly been busy, I love the journal.

  2. You did well in the garden. Pruning at the right time is tricky. I love your journal. Very creative.
