Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Back From Cape Ann

Hi Dear Folk,

We are back from our trip to Cape Ann it is absolutely lovely up there and we had wonderful weather.  We arrived home late last night.  Unfortunately I had to go straight to the doctor's this morning, Mr. B. had made me an 8:15AM appointment.  I badly sprained my ankle and I'm waiting for the Xray results to see if it is worse than that.  Plus the doctor wrapped it in an ace bandage, he gave me a prescription for one of those boot things, but will wait a day and see how it goes, not sure if my insurance will cover that.

Rob had picked me up on Saturday evening from the AirBnB to take me back to dinner Tierney had prepared.  There was a parking area in front of the place where I stayed, with a rounded curb and when I got out of the cab of the pickup truck, having forgotten something I fell off the edge of the curb into the road, where I was just laying totally winded and in pain, Rob had to help me up.

We did have dinner, but with me sitting on the sofa with my foot surrounded by ice packs.  I also took ibuprofen which is an anti-inflammatory and helps with the swelling.  Still it has been swollen and very sore since then, and walking on it for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday has not helped.  It's hard to know what to do when your on vacation.  Even where to go.  I found an old stick in the woods near Wingaersheek Beach, one with a knot at the end, like a handle, so pretty good for a walking stick, tad on the short side though, that was put to full use.

At the moment I'm sitting with my foot elevated and cold packs on it.

I think I like Cape Ann as much if not more than Cape Cod, so many little inlets and salt water marshes all along the coast, huge wide beaches and tiny little cove beaches.  Will share my wanderings with you in other posts.

I came home to my first real crop of tomatoes, not eaten by the squirrels, it has not been the greatest year for me and tomatoes.  I couldn't even find the name tag for these, but aren't they a lovely shape?

I also had an envelope from England waiting for me, it was a postcard I bought off eBay.  It is a picture of my old school Hadham Hall, before it was a school.  The postmark is dated  24th July, 1930 posted in Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire.

On the back she writes.

"We went over this place yesterday the house and gardens were open, including our exhibition of needlework in aid of the Queen's Institute of District Nursing.  It was more lovely than I can say. Louisa"

I must say I did enjoy my High School years here at Hadham Hall.



  1. So sorry to hear about your foot, hope it heals quickly and it is nothing worse than a sprain. The postcard must have been a joy to receive, what a great place.

  2. What a horrible thing to happen on your lovely trip. Hope it is not too serious and soon heals up. Look forward to the photos. The tomatoes are beautiful. How interesting to get that postcard. I love to think of that lady writing to her friend all that time ago. Will have to look out for local postcards in sales etc.

  3. Oh no! I just read your latest post and then looked back to see what happened and realized I missed this post. I hope it heals quickly. I think you did just the right thing with the ice and ibuprofen.

    The post card is lovely. You don't see schools in a building like that here, do you?
