Saturday, July 22, 2017

Bring On The Rain and French Pastries

H Dear Folk,

We've just had a torrential downpour and I heard some glass tinkle, so that must mean something broke as the garden umbrella near the back door tipped over.  I was sitting out under my wisteria, and was quite sheltered from the rain, in fact for too long, by the time I thought really should go in I got quite wet trying to make it to the back door.  Now it is tailing off and it must be ten degrees cooler, merciful coolness it has been so hot.

The Boy and I took a trip out together today to Bowman's Tavern where we had lunch. So nice just to sit and chat with ones adult son. I had ciabatta with roast lamb, portobello mushroom and goats cheese, it was very good, Rob had the Reueben along with a shandy and I had an Brooklyn IPA, went down well on such a hot day.

After lunch we went over to Bowman's Wild Preserve and walked some of the trails, but didn't over do it because of the heat.

Hard to catch the dappled sunlight playing on the bridge and foliage.

The weed looked amazing flowing with the current of water coming off the little water fall, when I got home I realized should have taken video of it.  Still life does not capture the beauty of movement.

This dragon fly looked like a bi plane with two decks of wings.

Onto New Hope, where we stopped in the Indian shop there and I bought some lovely Lily of the Valley natural fragrant oil from India, not sure if one equates Lily of the Valley with India, but certainly they have an abundance of flowers.  I had wanted to get their Jasmine, but they were out of it.

We only had enough quarters for one hour and twenty minutes on the meter, which soon passes.  We stopped off for iced coffees and French pastries, treating Mr. B. to two chocolate delights as he was not able to come with us.  One being a chocolate mouse cake and the other which Rob and I could not resist was a Religieuse, which they had both in chocolate and coffee.  Rob and I had these for lunch one day when we visited Versailles, happy memories, sitting in the town square, eating our quiche and Religieuse and here we are today sitting outside in the shade at some tables that overlooked the Delaware River, eating our Religieuse, very nice.

French favourite – choux pastry buns filled with a smooth vanilla crème patissiere (pastry cream) and coated with dark chocolate ganache. Each bun is decorated with a frilly white collar of whipped crème to make it resemble a miniature nun. 



  1. I love to spend time with my older sons, well most of the time that is. They can still be a little full of themselves!

    1. Thank you for your comment. Yes it is nice and just to grab the moment when you can.

  2. The weather's broken here too this afternoon. The garden needs the rain. Your day out looked good and the pastries amazing.

    1. Thank you Jean. I'm going to call this the summer of gloom. So many gloomy days, but the rain is good for the garden and it grows like a jungle in this heat.

  3. Brilliant colors, especially the green! My phone camera won't give me nearly the desired results!

    1. Thank you for leaving a comment Diane. We have had so much rain no wonder it is so green.
