Tuesday, April 18, 2017

10% Done

Hi Dear Folk,

I'm up with the lark, as went to bed at 9:30PM so up at 3:30AM.  I like being up early, hearing the birds rise.  I sat outside on my newly cleaned kitchen patio, on my roadside find white wicker chair, with my little green wooden footstool, under my umbrella with tiny tile table and a cup of tea.  Yes I actually get to steal time and enjoy all that hard work.

Mission accomplished on several fronts, doesn't that feel good.

  • Finished off linen closet
  • Bags of stuff taken over to the thrift
  • Finished assembling and putting up bathroom shelves, but did not get to big clean
  • Kitchen patio weeded, swept, pots and furniture put out
  • Simla patio weeded, swept, pots and all the plants that I was wintering over, geraniums, bougainvillea and calla lilies, put out, now must keep a sharp eye on nighttime temperatures
  • Mailed out the taxes, load off ones mind
With the patios cleaned up, I now only have 90% of the yard and gardens left, but at least I have a sane cleaned up corner to sit in.

Mr. B. took over The Boys wheels and tires to have them assembled and balanced.  As obviously you can't get them all in a Miata, sports car.  I have spoken with The Boy about the need to cut back to austerity measures, at least for a while.  As one does have to reign things in at some point. He's happy though because he is getting some money back on his taxes, which is more than we are. 

That just about sums up our extended weekend, except for making a Jewish apple cake.  Back to work.



  1. It would be lovely to sit in the garden at 3.30am and listen to the birds but it has been too cold to sit in the garden at all except for midday a few times in a sheltered spot. Also I don't think I would get up that early unless I had too. You have done well with all your tasks. I have cleaned my patios too and doesn't it feel good.

  2. I really want to start getting up early, you are an inspiration! X
