Thursday, March 16, 2017

Pot Latches

Hi Dear Folk,

I did get to go to the Philadelphia Flower Show with the theme of Holland.  Took lots of pics, will sort them out and post.  Had a lot of fun wandering around.

This was the item I bought when I was there a Pot Latch.  I have since looked on the internet and you can buy them on Ebay or Amazon.

I bought five at a cost of just under $4.00 each including tax.  I went in with another lady and we bought ten between us which made them cheaper, she gave me the cash and I charged my credit card.  We were definitely sisters in the gardening experience, at the end of it all we hugged. You know that at shows you always pay more, but then if I hadn't of seen them there I wouldn't have known about them.

They will hold any lipped pot up to a certain weight, but quite heavy.  I am looking forward to putting these up in the spring.

After three hours I was wilting so my other expenditure was on a piece of chocolate chip pound cake, with a cream cheese icing, moist and very good and a cup of coffee, I did enjoy that and sat down at a speakers corner on Organic Seeds grown in the Finger Lakes District.  This was followed by Mike McGrath who I listen to on NPR "You Bet Your Garden."

A very nice afternoon and evening, will tell you more later.


1 comment:

  1. The pot latch is so neat. I always like Mike mcGrath's show and even though I am pathetic at gardening have learned so many things listening to him. I thought the Flower show would be extra special with the Holland theme. Spring flowers are my favorite! I still have slides of when my mom took a day trip to holland one spring when we lived in England. Rows and rows of brightly colored tulips!
