Friday, January 20, 2017

Every Body Up North Says It's Grey

Hi Dear Folk,

Everybody up here in the Northern Hemisphere, well at least almost everybody are saying it is dull, the dull, dog days of January.  So in keeping with that here is a poem I ran across in my diary.

The grey morning I well remember,
The grey mountain new-waked from slumber,
The grey dews on the trees and hedges,
And in grey distance the grey sea's edge.

from The Grey Mornings by Katharine Tynan

I searched high and low for a nice diary for 2017, no time to make one of my own as I did several years ago.  There just wasn't anything in my little circle of searching, so in the back of my mind I thought I would use a Book of Days Journal that I picked up at the thrift.  An Irish Woman's Book of Days, inspiration and celebration.  I said to my co-worker, who is Irish decent, his grandmother would be proud of me. So I just have to write what day it is by the date and of course the year and voila, I'm a happy girl because every page is a page of joy, poems, quotes, photographs, paintings and sketches.



  1. Yes the poem sums up some days here but lately we have had some very cold frosty days with bright sunshine and by the time we go dog walking at 12 noon quite warm in the sun before the cold sets in again. Your diary sounds very interesting.

  2. We had bright sunshine today! And we are pretty far north. I put up a KT poem a while back on the blog. I don't know a lot of her work, but from yours and mine she seems to write about the weather and nature.

  3. We've been having very hot weather but yesterday was lovely and inclement.
    I like the sound of your diary.
