Saturday, December 31, 2016

Looking At Life, Living With Love 2017

Hi Dear Folk,

Winter landscape with ice skaters, Hendrick Avercamp.

"Looking At Life, Living With Love" is my 2017 take on the upcoming year.  There are changes I want to make to have that happen, more time for family, friends and what I love on both a spiritual sense and physical.  For both you need time and working full time does not enable me to have the time or the energy I need for these.  So on meditating on the thought "If this was your last year how would you live it?"  I am going to make some changes.

Cutting back and going part-time at work.  That will take some doing, being even more frugal.  Plus as my friend says "When you have money you have no time, and when you have time, you have no money."

I love to travel but always tend to do the larger trips and not too much in-between, but I have made up a list of places that we could take a long weekend and drive to.  I came across these less well known pretty towns. I have no idea what these are like, but lets have an adventure.

Wolfeboro, NH - Keene, NH - Little Compton, RI - Wood Hole, MA - Guilford, CT - Frederick, MD - Berlin, MD - Milton, DE

Plus I have old friends, from my single days, out in Minneapolis which I've been meaning to get out and visit them for years.  They were just here  and visited with us, so have an even bigger incentive to get out and visit them, the invite is open, so if it's open don't close the door.

My girl friends and I spoke all last year about visiting a mutual friend in Maryland, but this year I'm going to urge us all on to do it.  And I want to have some laughs. Obviously travel will have to be frugally done, but it can be and if I have to get my tent out I will and always on my mind is, if possible, to squeeze in a trip to UK to visit with family and friends.

Pottering in the garden that has been sorely neglected, getting "a lick and a promise," as my mum would say.  It is so soothing to have your hands in the soil, grow plants from seed, find things in the trash and make something of them in the yard and garden.

Big sort out of the garage, big sort out of the house.  All needing time.  I'd like to make space in the garage, but want to carefully think about what I'm getting rid of, it's been my experience that when you get rid of something, then you realize you could have used it.

I am going on a reading quest and that is to look up out of print American women writers.  I am excited about this and you will see more on this front.

Time for family, friends, garden, create, read and just be.

So that's the framework, and as with all things there must be wiggle room and a fluidity to work around the problems that always arise.



  1. Great lot of positive changes. hope 2017 sees you doing what you want to and what you have to . Looking forward to reading about your journey....and journeys.

    Happy new year

    1. Thank you for your well wishes and will keep on posting.

  2. I always said I didn't mind working...just not full time! It is just too much! And now with your long commute I am sure you feel it even more!

  3. And I do hope it all goes well with your plans. And I hope we can get together too!

  4. Your plans sound good. I too am planning some short trips and days out. Just because long holidays are difficult for various reasons doesn't mean we can't still find new things to see. Hope everything works out for you.
