Monday, November 7, 2016

MacAusland Wool Mill, PEI

Hi Dear Folk,

It is a long while since I have been to PEI and I have wanted to return for so long.  While looking for North American yarn I ran across this MacAusland's Woolen Mills on PEI.  It seems you can buy yarn from them and I thought their price was quite reasonable.  Do take a look.  Also there is a nice write up and pictures on Rebecca Mezzoff's Blog about her visit to the Woolen Mill.

They specialize in woolen blankets.  MacAusland's Woolen Mill is family owned and operated, the business began as a sawmill and rollmill in 1870.  In 1902, the company began producing woolen yarn and in 1932 began the production of woolen blankets.

I think it's wonderful that there are still family owned businesses like this around.  I think their website would benefit from a revamp.  It was great to see all the photos Rebecca took, to have a better view of the mill.



  1. You're right about the pictures. The mill should ask if they can use her pictures, and descriptions on their website! We went to PEI with our kids for three summers, and so loved it. We rented a house for a week each time, and had wonderful visits. It's been 20 years. We should go back.

    1. Thank you for your comment Nan. I think if their website was updated it would more user friendly in the Yarn World. A picture speaks a 1,000 words. Maybe they have a good core base of customer's, but always good to be seen.

  2. Thank you for the links. I'm not a knitter but I love looking at yarns. All the different colours and textures are so beautiful and lovely to see the processes. Another place that I would love to visit!

  3. Thanks for your lovely comment about my coat. I just popped over here to check out what you are up to and have a bit of a back read of your posts. Jo x
