Friday, September 2, 2016

Hop, Skip, Jump

Hi Dear Folk,

I took two days off this week but I cannot post pictures of anything fun, because one was the dentist and the other was a check up procedure and nothing fun there.  But since Mr. B. had to pick me up from the hospital I said how about we head over to IKEA for lunch and have a look around.  I always enjoy doing that, just getting ideas.  My big purchase besides lunch were two $0.79 tea-cloths, with red edges, that would be very nice to do some redwork embroidery on.

Swallow Tail Butterfly on my Butterfly Bush

Popped in Michael's and found a nice basket to keep all my jewelry boxes in, just the size I was looking for to slide under my dresser and some velvet black ribbon yarn reduced to $1.99 and I bought seven and hope to make a summer top with it on the style of one I bought and really like wearing, just very loose with raglan sleeves.

This is a holiday week-end over in the States, and let out early today, oh my goodness sounds like school days, well it feels like that sometimes.  Only it's hard to hop, skip and jump, maybe I'll have a go though.  A hurricane is coming up the coast from Florida so there will be rain at the shore, not sure what that will bring for us inland a bit.  My friend went down last Tuesday and said the weather was gorgeous but the sea was really rough and the rip tides were very bad.

So got a go.

Have a great weekend.



  1. Enjoy your time off! It's nice to have that break here and htere. Hope your procedure went well. I do enjoy a trip to Ikea...althought the closet one to us is by you. Hmmmm.

  2. I hope your dental and check up went well. I used to go to Ikea regularly to have their bottomless coffee and Swedish meatballs. Then we would look round for ideas and come home with something small like your teatowels. I read about the hurricane and the damage in Florida so hope it doesn't affect you too much. I stood for ages watching a red admiral butterfly feeding on a butterfly bush with my face about 9 inches away.Fascinating!

  3. Beautiful photos! Enjoy your time off ♥
