Friday, August 12, 2016

Nantucket Basket and Other Finds of a Middle Aged Woman

Hi Dear Folk,

Our local thrift had a grand reopening in a different building just around the corner from their old location.  Mr. B. and the Boy got over earlier than I did, for which Mr. B. was rewarded with a $10.00 gift card.  But it's hard to pull your old bones out of bed after working a forty two and a half hour week, must put the half hour in.  So here I am standing in a forty-five minute line to check out, in which I would not have stood if it had not been for the fact that I am darn right stubborn and would not give up my Nantucket basket, the books I might have put down, but not the basket.

So here I am standing in line in front of an older couple, I guess their age at 77 to 80 or a tad older.  He's tall, well over 6' 3" wearing a baseball cap which had veteran of Korean War on it, so you can kind of figure his age.  In any case he's talking to a friend and says - yes I just moved into a condominium and the friend says "how do you like that" and he says "I don't I'm bored, I don't have my garage to work in and all my tools, but we couldn't keep the house up, the garden was too big and we couldn't mow the lawn anymore."

His wife asked me where I found my knitting and crochet book and I said they were all mixed in with the gardening books, so a lot of sorting still needs to be done.  I asked her what crafts do you like to do, she says knit and that she used to sew and reupholster furniture and that she had recovered several chairs and sofas for herself and the family, her hubby doing the wood work, but that was all in the past now.

So here I am thinking how much older than me are they, a max of twenty years older and how twenty years goes by in a flash.  For many years I have have thought my self middle aged, but how many years can you be middle aged.  Is it from forty to sixty or forty-five to sixty-five, I'm going with the latter because that would still make me in the middle age group, but if not then I'm in the elderly group see here;  then I would like to know how the elderly group is broken down is that young elderly and old elderly?

I was reading an article in the Guardian written by a young middle aged person see here and I'm definitely not in that group.  Although having your first child at forty kind of puts the whole time plan out of kilter with your peers, they are not sixty-two with a son just having graduated from college.

All this has been running through my mind as of late because I feel this is a transitional year of changes.  The Boy has finished Uni and is now home, with all the sagas that brings, of starting up on the next period of life, looking for a job or jobs, getting freelance work, landing a full time position in his field and then having too much work and too many irons in the fire and sorting out the balance.

I think it takes years to find balance and then something always comes along and upsets the scales, it can be both good and bad, so it is a constant tacking to the wind.  I'm at the point where I have to find the balance between life and work and how much can you par down to.

Bringing joy.

My Nantucket basket, this is why I stood in line.  I would like to think it's genuine, but I do not think so, but still lovely to have a replica, and I have used it.

Here is a piece about the Nantucket Baskets a video with Martha Stewart.  The history and craft is fascinating.

The Fair Isle design caught my eye, rather more knitting in here than crochet and as you know I like crochet.

Lang note books, pads, cards and calendars were always a favourite of mine.  In fact there was a store Mario's near where I used to grocery shop when Rob was a little boy; and after shopping at Genuardi's, Rob always called it Ge-nar-to-di, we would pop in and have a wander around, this old kind of pharmacy store with everything, long out of business now.  And I would buy a box of cards, so when I saw this little pad it was a nostalgia buy, as I think all their stationery is now made in China and the quality is not the same.

May use this for 2017, or Maybe something else will cross my path for my 2017 Diary/Journal.

Enjoying this book with lots of stitches.



  1. I've never heard of nantucket baskets and found the video fascinating. Well done on your finds. I know what you mean about the age thing. I have a friend of 86 who goes to visit the elderly. (Her words). At nearly 66 I don't feel old. I can remember my nan at about 58 when she still worked but after she retired at 60 she often stayed with us and she was definitely an old lady! I have never viewed myself as middle aged so not sure what I am now. I can remember thinking that 40 was old and now my children are over 40 and I think they're young! I love the crazy quilting book as I would love to have a go at that.

  2. I love the nantucket basket. It is woven so well. And the ship on top....well that is really nice. I have the cat paper by lang. Our computer has been on the fritz so I can't print letters right now. One day!
