Friday, July 29, 2016


Hi Dear Folk,

Smith Flatbed Press Made by the R. Hoe Co of New York, circa 1830.  These presses were in general use and superseded by the cylinder press in the 1860's.  As late as 1910 they were used to print broadsides.  Three hundred sheets per hour was exceptional production.

In 1916 this press was given to the Museum by Frederick Constantine, editor of The Bucks Count Mirror and The Express and Reform (German) both of which had been printed on it when he was a "printer's devil."  It is said that at one time it also printed The Doylestown Democrat.

I did enjoy seeing these blocks and imagining long benches with pieces of fabric for black printing, or wallpaper, as is shown here.

Printing has so changed in my thirty-five years of work in the industry.  You might enjoy reading these articles Printing Yesterday and Today , The World Beyond , Gutenberg's Legacy , Books Before Gutenberg  , Early Writing


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