Friday, June 10, 2016

McIntosh, Binghamton, NY and The Finger Lakes Cider House, NY

Hi Dear Folk,

I think this was Friday evening you loose track after a while.  Mr B and I drove up on Thursday, The Boy drove up on Friday in his new/old Miata, he had a previous commitment and could not come up until Friday, the prior week he had come home as college was finished and he had the chance to catch a ride home. Yes so this must be Friday.

Mr. B. and The Boy had a prior appointment at MacIntosh Labs in Binghamton, NY.  They were to meet there at 10:00 AM for a plant tour.  So about a one hour drive for Mr. B. and a three hour drive for Rob coming from home.

McIntosh has manufactured handcrafted high-end audio equipment since 1949.  Their encounter with McIntosh was thru a friend who found an early 1970's amplifier in a dumpster; with a little bartering he said that Rob could have it.  At that time it did not work, but Mr. B. took it too a friend and he got it working.  It had obviously been used by a band and Rob was hoping it was one of ten bought by the Grateful Dead for a concert tour.  It's somewhat possible to narrow it down by the serial numbers and the shop they were bought at.  Not sure where they are on that.  They enjoyed their visit and afterwards stopped off at a Czech Restaurant for lunch.

In the mean time I stayed back at the digs being without transport, but I didn't mind because it was a lovely day, I read, and then later on walked over to the Stewart Park at the bottom of Lake Cayuga, which was a short walk across the road from where I was staying and found a lovely piece of drift wood, plus they have these delightful swing seats that I enjoyed.

By the time the boys got back it was gone three, more running around and then eventually on the road at about 6:30PM for dinner here.

And here we are at the Finger Lakes Cider House for an evening of Music and Food.  Rob and I were going to try a flight of ciders unfortunately they ran out of flights to serve the cider in, so we just went for a glass each of cider.  I had a cheese and locally produced sausage crepe the boys had a la carte meatballs and asparagus cream soup.  It was all very good along with a local band.

Here is the view out back looking down to Lake Cayuga in the far distance.

After this we drove on another few miles along the lake to Cayuga Lake Creamery for an ice-cream each.  Mr B landed up with a free ice-cream some how they made one up that nobody claimed.  If it had been coconut which is what I chose, he would not have claimed it, I love coconut he hates it.


PS:  Mr B loves the McIntosh amp because it is powerful enough to run his magneplaner speakers with, they take more power than many other speakers on the market.  So the boys are happy campers in their audio world.


  1. Nice to see the boys together. I am lost on audio jargon. I just listen to the radio or iplayer and as long as it doesn't crackle I am fine with that. It is lovely they have that shared interest though. The restaurant sounds good.
