Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Kentwell Hall, Long Melford, Suffolk

Hi Dear Folk,

Time flies has it been that long since I got back from the UK?  Tomorrow we're on our way up to Ithaca, so thought I would try and share the rest of my trip to the UK.

Here is Kentwell Hall, in the village of Long Melford, which I have written about on previous trips. This has always been a wealthy area with the wool trade possibly almost 1,000 years old.  There are two stately homes Kentwell Hall and Melford Hall, along with a very large church, Holy Trinity, all of which I've linked too.

Kentwell Hall would have to have been built around a similar time to Hadham Hall, where I attended High School, the school was sold off many years ago and now looks like this see here, just for the Hall.

Kentwell Hall has a moat all the way around and is just beautiful, we had a wonderful day there, Ruth, BB and myself.  The daffs were in their true glory.

This day they were having a small Tudor presence in the house and grounds.

This walk did remind me of my old school.

And what about these donkeys?  I do not know what they are called.

They have a very nice restaurant in the old carriage area, where I had a cream tea but sis and friend had lunch.  Just a perfect day, so glad we went as it was a last minute decision.

All go now The Boy is home for a few days sorting out his job and getting wheels, before back to Ithaca for his Graduation, it's like having a whirlwind in the house, never a dull moment.



  1. I still haven't been to Kentwell Hall although it is somewhere I have long intended to. It looks beautiful. The donkeys are part of the rare breed farm and are Poitou and thought to be the oldest breed in the world. It will be 9 weeks this weekend since you came over but seems like just a couple of weeks. Enjoy your trip and the graduation.

    1. That is so interesting about the donkeys, I will look them up.

  2. This is one of my favorite posts! I love the park around the house. Enjoy your time in Ithaca! is a bit like a whirlwind when they come home. That is the perfect word for it!

  3. Oh and all the daffodils...I've never seen so many together like that!
