Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Amsterdam and Cycling

Hi Dear Folk,

I would love the thought of riding my bike everywhere.  One summer when Rob was about seven, we went up to Canada and visited Ottawa, that was when we had our Ford Conversion Van and a pop up camper, loved that van, super comfortable.  Back to my thought and that is cycling.  We always used to take our bikes on vacation.  This particular day when we visited Ottawa, there was no place that we could find to park in town, so we drove up a very steep hill, I do not remember names, but you had a wonderful view of the rivers, we parked in a park area and rode our bikes down into town, yes even Rob he was quite proficient.  So all day we cycled around town using some bike paths and other times on the roads, at the end of the day, I'm talking 9:00 PM or later at night, Rob and I were pretty tired to cycle up that long hill.  So we sat in a cafe and had coffee and soft drinks, with these old Russian men playing chess, while Mr. B. cycled up the hill to fetch the van and then came back down and picked us up.  Rob was invited to watch and teach him chess, happy memories.

This is the end of the green in front of the museum area.

Walking to the market.

The market street along which is the Bazaar Restaurant that I mentioned in an earlier post.  Many of the shops which are behind all the stalls, put their stall our in front of their shop, interesting.  We both bought some fabric printed with photos and a map of Amsterdam, will make a nice bag.  The fabric shop was wonderful, so many very Dutch prints.

These are the herons that we saw that night, they must almost have permanent residence here.

If you notice at the top of the apartments they all have hooks for hoisting up furniture.

I could quite see myself with this lifestyle bikes and trams.

I want to go back when the tulips are out and visit some of the countryside.



  1. Veruy dear memories! I can just picture it! How nice of Mr. B to let you two rest and make the trip up the hill. And how nice of men to want to teach Rob.

  2. Thank you for your kind congratulations on my engagement - and now I have discovered your lovely blog, which I've enjoyed looking at, and will be back to see more!

    1. Thank you Gretel for stopping by, looking and following my blog. I always enjoy your creations.

    2. Thank you Gretel for stopping by, looking and following my blog. I always enjoy your creations.

  3. What lovely memories of your holiday! I just wish I could ride a bike. I keep threatening to get a tricycle. Yes I think Amsterdam is so easy to get around and doesn't seem crowded. You will have to come over one May and we can go to the Keukenhof gardens. They are so beautiful.
