Friday, May 27, 2016

Hop, Skip, Jump

Hi Dear Folks,

It's been a grueling week and has taken until today for me to catch up on the three days that I was off work.  It's a holiday weekend so wish everyone a happy time off.  On Monday I will be spending time with girl friends from of old, that sounds better than saying old girl friends, which we are but we're not going to say that.  We will be visiting one of our little group who lives up in the Amish Country.  Marianne has just moved so look forward to seeing her new place and going out to lunch together.  We always have a good old laugh, a glass of wine and lots of fun.  Plus it is such a lovely drive up there.

I have lots to share on the three days we were away in Ithaca, the Boys Graduation and our digs, which were rather special.  You may have seen some of the photos that I shared on Instagram.  Our time up there ran the gamut from times of quietness and reading, taking a walk beside the lake and picking up drift wood.

I even got to drive The Boys new Miata, which is identical to his old one, which met an untimely demise, same color and same model just only twenty years old.  He says that model is very easy to work on, so let's hope so.  Mum drove up Lake Cayuga in the sun and although I have not driven a stick shift for a long while, once learned you never forget and they are fun.

To manic running around with Rob to accomplish all that needed taking care of before he departed for good.  I was so glad that we took three days off besides the weekend.  We did see some people packing up right after the graduation and were so glad that we did not have to, as we started on Sunday evening and still had more to do on Monday before we left.  We rented a UHaul trailer to put all his stuff in and tow back home.

The weather was mixed and although now has shot up into the mid eighties, Friday and Monday were nice but Thursday, Saturday and Sunday were mostly overcast, even spitting for the Graduation, but it never did rain.

So hopefully this weekend will be a time of sorting out posting a few pics and time with friends.


Monday, May 23, 2016

Tudor Times






To the manor born.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

My Favorite Sofa Style

Hi Dear Folk,

This is the style of my favorite sofa.  I like the high back and the sides at the same height, a pair either side of the fireplace is cozy.

I could give up Henry VIII over the fireplace.


Sheep, Wool, Roman Bathroom?

Hi Folk,

Did you ever think that sheep that give you wool can lead to owning a marble Roman bathroom?  I knew I liked wool.  Carrara marble?


Saturday, May 21, 2016


Hi Folk,

Like chinoiserie then this might be for you, an entire bedroom at Kentwell Hall.

The built in wardrobe section.


Friday, May 20, 2016

Tudor Children At Play

Hi Dear Folk,

Come and play Tudor style.


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Family and Food

Hi Dear Folk,

Taking time to be with family.

My cousin Esther and I

My uncle Don, Esther's dad, my mum's younger brother

BB and aunt Joan, my mum's younger sister.

Esther's husband and my BIL Trevor.

BBs spread.

Just so lovely to see and be with everyone, share good food, memories and happy times.


Kitchen Kentwell Hall

Hi Dear Folk,

When you visit a house doesn't everyone always gravitate to the kitchen, I especially find them so interesting in stately homes.  Stepping back in time.

A tasty flan.

I need a mortar and pestle, I wasn't quite thinking this size.

Kitchen utensils down the ages are such fun.

Slaving over the kitchen stove, Tudor style.

Some savory pancakes.

Kitchen steps.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Kentwell Hall, Long Melford, Suffolk

Hi Dear Folk,

Time flies has it been that long since I got back from the UK?  Tomorrow we're on our way up to Ithaca, so thought I would try and share the rest of my trip to the UK.

Here is Kentwell Hall, in the village of Long Melford, which I have written about on previous trips. This has always been a wealthy area with the wool trade possibly almost 1,000 years old.  There are two stately homes Kentwell Hall and Melford Hall, along with a very large church, Holy Trinity, all of which I've linked too.

Kentwell Hall would have to have been built around a similar time to Hadham Hall, where I attended High School, the school was sold off many years ago and now looks like this see here, just for the Hall.

Kentwell Hall has a moat all the way around and is just beautiful, we had a wonderful day there, Ruth, BB and myself.  The daffs were in their true glory.

This day they were having a small Tudor presence in the house and grounds.

This walk did remind me of my old school.

And what about these donkeys?  I do not know what they are called.

They have a very nice restaurant in the old carriage area, where I had a cream tea but sis and friend had lunch.  Just a perfect day, so glad we went as it was a last minute decision.

All go now The Boy is home for a few days sorting out his job and getting wheels, before back to Ithaca for his Graduation, it's like having a whirlwind in the house, never a dull moment.
