Thursday, April 28, 2016

Rijks Museum, Amsterdam

Hi Dear Folk,

After our toast, eggs and tea for breakfast at our digs, we set off for the Rijks Museum, which was only a couple of stops on the trolley from where we were staying.  In the morning we saw a peak of the sun, as you can see in the patches of blue sky.

The museum is considered Neo Gothic and was designed by Pierre Cuypers the son of a church painter.  He designed both the Amsterdam Central Station and the Rijks Museum and you can see the similarity.  He was Catholic and belonged to the Lay Dominicans.  After the Rijks was built many said that it was too church like and many additions were made over the years, hiding the original design concept.  In 2013 a ten year renovation was finished and took much of the structure back to the original Cuyper concept.

I did not take too many pictures of the internal architecture and should have done, I guess I was so concentrating on the art inside.  It was lovely to actually see many of the paintings that in a way you have lived with for years.

Here are Jean and I at the end of our visit, as you can see the sun disappeared.



  1. I'm so pleased we went to this museum as so much wonderful art in an amazing building.

  2. I have been there twice, My niece lived a few streets away from this museum when she lived in Amsterdam.
