Friday, March 11, 2016

Spring Forward Twice

Hi Dear Folk,

It seems you have lots of time then you have none.  So with less than a fortnight before I go away I'm trying to get all those little things accomplished that must be done.  Get a long overdue hair trim, get rain coat dry cleaned, get some pounds sterling, think about what I'm going to pack and collect it together, all in one place so do not go into panic mode at last minute in not being able to find my passport or something like that.  When you work full time you cannot leave everything to the last minute or you'll be a basket case.  Plus tomorrow I am out all day and before I leave I should really drop our taxes off to be done.

Plus I have several books I have read and should write reviews, but I know they have to go back to the library before I can probably get to do that, bother.  And one has to go back to Omaha, Nebraska, it's the Persephone book.  As Mr. B. said all the way from Nebraska and you don't have to pay a thing, and when you think about it libraries are a wonderful resource.

Maman, What Are We Called Now?  by Jacqueline Mesnil-Amar  a Persephone book diaries written by Jacqueline during the last part of WWII in Paris, 1944 - 1945

This is a loan from another library so think this will have to be returned before I can even get to read it.  A Shepherd's Life in Wiltshire circa 1910

The Shepherd's Life in the Lake District circa 2000 and onward, in which he referred to the older book.

This a biography of Virginia Woolf which is most interesting, because when I first started reading this I could have thought it was a biography about Leonard Woolf, who I do not think the biographer thought too much of.

Plus have read The Leading Note by Rosalind Murray who also wrote The Happy Tree a Persephone book, but I could not find that one at my local library but they did have this her first book written 1910 when she was twenty.

Also this weekend is Spring Forward and I have to spring forward twice because in UK it is not until the end of March, I have a hard enough time with doing it once.  I didn't think that one out.

Well will try and keep you posted, but is a busy time so may be a little sparce.

Will try posting some Instagram while away.

Take care have a great weekend.



  1. Spring Forward is great when you are working nights but then if you have a shift on Fall Back that is dreadful. Since I did night work, changing the clocks doesn't seem so bad. Haha you are having your raincoat cleaned and I have bought a new one. Will it rain? Well the long range forecast has changed so they are predicting dry. Be Prepared then it wont matter! I like the look of the French WW book and the Shepherd books.

  2. I hope you do post on Instagram...I'll look forward to it! Have a lovely trip!

  3. I'd love to know any recommendations for places to visit in the UK. I'm going to see if I can get the Shepherd's Life book via my library. Looks like my kind of thing.
