Saturday, January 23, 2016

Robins In A Snow Blizzard and Alpaca Yarn

Hi Dear Folk,

With the snow blizzard still raging away being at home today is like being in a cocoon time warp, as if time standing still, things you should do, but don't want to, just sit and read and write and watch, my excuse is that I am still not feeling A1.  It has been a week of being in doors, keeping company with the fire, tea, reading and crochet.  I did go to work Thursday and Friday, but really should have been at home, so it's nice today to just be.

I am going to start this yarn.  It has been sitting there and on my mind, it's only one hank of yarn, I love the feel of this alpaca and merino, the colors are beautiful, like jewels of amethyst, peridot and aqua marine.  It needs a special pattern, I am going to use the Mostly Harmless neck shawl on Ravelry.  I tried it out on another yarn and somehow it took me ages to figure out such a simple pattern and it is simple.  I feel this is a great day to start this, memorable.

Today I have been watching the birds, they have been out everywhere flying and foraging.  My neighbours tree is full of berries, because there has been so much good around for them, but with the snow it is hard and this has become their pantry they have been in and out of this tree all day.  I have seen cardinals, robins, sparrows and a falcon.

I think these photos almost look like abstract paintings, can you see the berries and the robins.

Mr. B. made chocolate chip cookies, I have a pot of chicken soup on the stove and think that I will throw some dumplings in.  I also have ciabatta rolls.

Mr. B. said he saw a husky run by towing a long lead, but no person, a few minutes later the person came by.  Huskies love the snow it's in their blood; I wonder if that lady we met in the park last weekend has taken her three huskies out.

Tomorrow I will venture out.



  1. Wonderful pictures of the robins in the tree. I hope they will be alright.

  2. The photos of the birds and berries in the trees are just beautiful! I hope you feel better after your quiet day in. thinking of you!

  3. That yarn is perfect for that scarf, have fun.

  4. Yes your photos are like paintings and I love them. The wool is beautiful and look forward to seeing the finished item. I would love to be snowed in especially with Mr B's choc chip cookies and chicken soup with dumplings. Hope the quiet day does you good.

  5. The photos of outside indeed do look like paintings the faded red if the birds... So ethereal almost. Your yarn looks great. Sure it will knit up well.

  6. The yarn is beautiful. Such rich colors! Glad that you have chosen to just be and watch birds and unravel yarn. Good pastimes for a snow day!
