Saturday, December 19, 2015

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Hi Dear Folk,

The older you get the longer your friendships become, and the photos reflect friendships that go back a long way.  Jean and I go back to when I was about seventeen.  Graham and I go back to when I was two.  Our mums were friends and although Graham's mum died in her mid thirties we always stayed friends and through our friendship I came to live in the USA.  We still live within twenty five miles of each other.  We all knew each other in England so when we get together it's a good old laugh and lots of fun.

Here we are outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

It had been years since I had visited the art museum and certainly the restaurant area is vastly improved and very nice, from what it used to be which I remember as old style cafeteria.  Have you ever seen such a big potato?

This is along the Schuylkill River at the old Water Works which is 200 years old this year.  In it's day it was a popular tourist attraction, with fountains and quite the place to walk along the river with ones parasol.

The Water Works is within the Fairmount Park System and consists of 63 parks with 9,200 acres, and is one of the largest urban park systems in the United States.  But what many people don't know is that it owes it's size to the Water Works.  Back in the 1800s a scourge of the cities was yellow fever and it was thought at that time that unclean water led to yellow fever, thus came about the grand project to supply the City of Philadelphia with clean water.  To insure that the Schuylkill River was clean a long way up river the water works purchased a lot of land along the river; which later became part of the Fairmount Park System.

On Friday evenings they have Jazz at the museum so at the end of our day Graham said he had always wanted to go and I said yes I had too, so we asked about it and were told yes there was Jazz that very evening and yes we could stay for it as we had already paid our tickets for that day.  So we did.

Drinks are served and hor d'ouvres platters, so it made for a lovely evening.  We didn't stay to the end it wasn't quite our style of Jazz but it didn't take away from the ambiance and just being there together.

Philadelphia skyline at night from the front of the Art Museum.

Good night,


  1. You will have some great memories from this venture. So glad you shared it. I'm new to your blog, and am amazed at the diverse topics!

  2. Yes it was such a happy fun day. I wish my photo of the waterworks area looked as good as yours!
