Thursday, December 31, 2015

Berry Plenty

Hi Dear Folk,

This is the colour that brightened our walk and brought the birds down.  Crab apples still on the trees and lots of berries.  We park the car near the cemetery and walk up the hill where you have a lovely view across the park.  There is a pond with reeds where the red wing black birds hang out in the summertime, this pond was made by the rangers especially for them.  Dotted around are nesting boxes for the Eastern Bluebirds, my very favourite bird in this area and a delight to see.  Plus I have been told that there are horned owls, wouldn't I like to see one.

One time when Rob was a little boy we saw a fox sitting in the middle of the train line, it was a spectacular sight and what I would have given for my camera.  You have the long line of the track, with trees either side, and Mr. Fox sitting right there looking at us.  Once in a while a goods train will come through, mostly always at night.  I here them tooting in the distance from my house, such a forlorn sound to me.

If one could just capture this blue.

Moss growing on an old stone bridge.  Isn't this beautiful, such vibrancy of colour.


1 comment:

  1. What beautiful colours. Hardly a berry left in my garden as the birds ate them all. Plenty on our walks though and I have noticed the ivy berries are particularly big and plentiful this year and early too. Glad you are both getting out and enjoying the park.
