Wednesday, December 23, 2015

American Art Gallery, Philadelphia, Museum of Art

Hi Dear Folk,

Jean wanted to visit the American section of the museum and I know I had not visited this gallery before.  Actually someone stopped us at the end of our visit to take a survey so Jean said so little American Art tours the UK that she had wanted to visit this gallery especially.

The Peaceable Kingdom, By Edward Hicks Born 1780 died 1849 was a Quaker minister born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

From about 1820, the self-taught artist painted approximately sixty versions of The Peaceable Kingdom.  The subject is based on verses from the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) of Isaiah.  In the background the earthly realization of this prophecy is interpreted by a historical scene of William Penn forging a treaty with Native Americans.

Portrait of Yarrow Mamout (Muhammad Yarrow) 1819 by Charles Wilson Peal, American Born 1741 died 1827

This is an interesting painting, Yarrow Mamout c 1736-1823 an African American Muslim who won his freedom from slavery, was eighty-three years old when Peale painted him in Georgetown and said to live in his own has and owning Bank stock to support himself.  Yarrow's knit cap suggests a Kufi, African Muslim.


1 comment:

  1. A brilliant gallery. I took a photo of that picture too and was showing it to somebody today.
