Monday, November 9, 2015

9/11 Memorial NYC

Hi Dear Folk,

It poured with rain all night and the wind blew, so when we woke up in the morning and it was overcast with only a little rain and that intermittently we were pleasantly surprised.

Our first stop was in South Manhattan at the 9/11 Memorial.  I have watched programmes on the design and building of this memorial so had a certain image in my mind as to how it would look and it was not at all like I imagined, only the actual pools themselves, which there are two of, one on each footprint of the original Towers One and Two.

First of all the whole area surrounding this is one big building yard with cranes and noise, so no tranquility.  I had imagined that the entire area was sunken including the trees and that you walked down into it, but you don't it is all on ground level, except for the pools as you see them.

Dotted around you will see white roses, the stems of which can be placed into the stenciled out name of ones loved one.  I think seeing this on an overcast rainy day set the mood of this place.  I like the above photo with the rain drops on the rose and names I think it catches the poignancy one has of sadness.

The above picture shows The World Trade Center Transportation Hub see here with a wing like appearance, designed by Santiago Calatrava, will be the third largest transportation center in NYC.

One World Trade Center, this replaces the Twin Towers.


  1. Yes it certainly made one stop and think. It will be good when all the building is finished and hopefully more tranquil.

  2. You captured it so well. I agree the drops on the names and rose do make one feel the loss.
