Thursday, July 2, 2015

Music Under An Open Sky

Hi Dear Folk,

Each year at Hope Lodge they have a free outdoor concert on a Wednesday evening, we went a couple of years ago and decided on the spur of the moment to attend this year. 

I was going to take a beach chair but Mr. B. said they were no longer in the garage and we have a sneaky feeling that The Boy used them for the beach last year and forgot to bring them home.  So we routed around for other camping chairs, two of which had been visited by the mice and had to be disposed of, they are so bad.  Fortunately two chairs had not had a visit so were OK to take.  We stopped of at Chic-fil-a and bought sandwiches and peach milk shakes, well I got the peach Mr. B. never deviates from chocolate.  I love their peach and they only have it for a couple of months in the summer.  We also took along French lemonade, which I bought quite a few bottles of, actually just for the bottles.  They are the stopper bottles for fizzy drink, and it was cheaper by a dollar to buy them at Aldi's with lemonade in than to buy them at IKEA empty.  I love that they have made in France on them.  Next year I will actually have the bottles in hand ready to make Elderflower Champagne, for which you obviously need stoppered bottles.

I love this particular fold up camping chair because it has a built in foot rest.  As you can see I'm wearing my Aurora hand made NY sandals in navy blue, it is a very dark navy blue.

The Ambler Symphony.

Mr. B. Draining out the last dregs of his chocolate milk shake.

Lovely summer evening, times you remember.



  1. I love outdoor concerts and plays. Not been to any this year but still time yet. Your picnic sounded good.

  2. It sounds like a lovely day! It's always nice to do something outdorros and what a nice setting!
