Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Odds and Bods

Hi Dear Folk,

I started this post at the end of April, but time has got away from me and here we are almost the middle of May.  Trying very hard to keep up with the garden at this time of year.  The big winter cleanup took a while, and now I have another cleanup as all the cattails have dropped off the northern oak tree and everything is covered

My wisteria bloomed just before we went away for a long weekend to visit The Boy and of course when we came back it was over, well you know past it's best and petals everywhere, the same with the lilacs.  All my seedlings which I had in my little plastic greenhouse shelving system are coming along, so now they are out on the patio, as frosts should be over.

Yes I changed my banner to a photo I took while up there, a rainbow over Lake Cayuga.  Will post more on that in the future.

Work has been busy and then you realize you are going away and you should have packed, but do not have anything together to go away and are too tired to pack, then wake up at 2:00AM and decide, I'll pack now and then go back to bed.  We did get on the road to Ithaca by 8:00AM.  Does anybody else do crazy things like that?  I like time to gather my things together, at least I did have a list and a second list for Rob's wants, which goes like this - drill, hammer, hacksaw, nails, screws, soldering iron, power strip, black fabric, crockpot, Tamron lens box, coconut oil, dish cloths.

Here is where I started with my April post.  For the want of a better title but just bringing together a few things left in the camera and what's going on.  I got to wear my posy this weekend, I am so happy with it and have been thinking that I might venture into Etsy land again and write up a tutorial on it.

Thrift shopping is cheap retail therapy so a few fun finds, such as this box, I wouldn't be surprised if it is from Florence, it's the type of thing they sell there.  I still have a tray which was a wedding present well over thirty years ago.  It's a kind of paper mache which usually has some form of gold painting on it.

This punch edge was not at the thrift, the pansy design appealed to me, then a friend said it looks like the Hawaiian flowers, and it does look a little like a plumera, so that would be fun to associate it with something Hawaiian

More books, it's cheaper than buying a craft magazines from a stationers.

I have done very well at the thrift finding brand new leather shoes.

Well just catching up and more to follow about our trip.



  1. Glad you got away to see the boy. I am always impressed by your thrift shop finds. That's a good point about the books being cheaper than a magazine. So true.

  2. Love your new books, they look like lots of fun.
