Monday, May 25, 2015

Holiday Weekend, Memorial Day

Hi Dear Folk,

The weather over the Holiday Weekend was lovely.  No plans except gardening and reading. 

Here is my garden over that weekend.  More photos of my tomb stones as Mr. B. calls them.  Excess pieces of tile which someone put out for the trash.  It has taken me several years to figure out what to do with them, but I think this is an excellent use for them.  Weather resistant and just the right size.

Mr and Mrs Robin where are you when you're needed.  I did see her go into the nest with something bright green in her beak so I know she likes them.

A few rose pictures just to remember them.

I dashed to the library after work on Friday, I had asked them to pull these books for me.  The three top ones are all on the Persephone list.  No Surrender, The Far Cry and Vain Shadow.  I started all three but found Vain Shadow the shortest and easiest to get into, so read that over the weekend.  It was just right, an easy fun read.

This book was in the clearance section for fifty cents In and Outs of The Garden by Sara Midda, here is a piece in the New York Times about her.

I love the illustrations and quotes.

Here are some blooms the Rhododendron above and a Peony below.

Another Peony.

My Climbing Hydrangea.

An extra pair of boots have been donated by Mr. B.

Jacobs Coat of Many Colors above.

I think the rose above is Miranda and below is a very old fashioned rose the same as used to grow in my garden as a child.

The Trumpet Vine is taking over and had just better flower for me, it has not done so in the past four years, and it had better do so soon, or it will be severely cut back and even if it does flower after which it will be severely cut back, they can be very invasive.  Hummingbirds love their flowers and I do too if only it would produce some.

Making use of my giant IKEA pots.

Above is my soda bottle drip water system which works very well.

I planted the tomato plant in the morning and put the frame around it, when I came back in the afternoon the grape vine had already wrapped a tendril around the top ring.  Time lapse photography would hardly had to have waited anytime at all to film that.

I do like a nice glass of Drambuie.

To end the weekend a lovely sunset.



  1. your garden looks good and I love your tombstones. What a brilliant idea! The gardening book is beautiful. I haven't read the Far Cry but have read a few others of Emma Smiths books including two of her childhood in Cornwall. They were really interesting.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Wonderful post; beautiful photos! :)
