Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Hi Dear Folk,

I know I'm late as this was the snow from last Thursday.  My work place did not call out, so I had to go in, it was bad the only redeeming factor, was that I was the only one on the roads beside the snow plows and the police, just about nobody else.  The trouble is wolf, wolf had been cried a few times, so we had to go in.  We did get let out a couple of hours early.  I cannot tell you how happy I was to hit the green light at the top of the hill where I work, and to make it up a mile long hill on the way home.  I knew if I made that I would be alright.

It has warmed up so much now, as I drove home today it was raining and as the warm rain, hit the large expanses of snow, it made for a beautiful low lying mist, like you see at the theatre, on stage, when people walk through it and you can't see their feet, just hovering above the ground.

Mr. B. is never happier than working in the wood pile.  Since we have put in the new furnace we have not used so much wood, as the furnace is so much more efficient.

A few night time shots.  Look at the sparkles in the snow.

This may be the last time we see this, this winter.

Still crocheting away on my shawl.  I some what chickened out on the contrasting blue.  I did the edging loops in the yarn I was using along with the Robins egg blue angora and mohair yarn.  It was so very fine that I was able to use the two yarns together.  Now I am adding an additional small loop using two strands of the Robins egg blue yarn.  It was advertised as light blue, but it is actually a prettier blue than I thought it would be.  If anyone knows Chinese they can read the label off for me, please.

Not much else going on, so ready for spring.  I went to Trader Joe's at lunch time to pick up the bread that I like to buy there, because there is one thing I hate is cheap nasty bread, along with a wasabi nut mix that I like, mango black tea and a pot of miniature daffodils that is sitting on my desk and making me happy every time I look at them, I even spring cleaned my area a bit.

I think I need a break.  Last Sunday I was meant to be somewhere quite important and totally forgot, I mean did not enter my mind, gone, not there, that's bad. 

Take care,


  1. Your snow pictures are great especially Mr B in the wood pile. I am jealous of your snow but not of driving to work in it. I used to have to go in whatever the weather and driving at night along ungritted country roads is not fun. Your yarns sound pretty and it is good to see the spring flowers.

  2. Beautiful photographs! I always feel there is a half-hearted quality to snow in March and April. Perhaps because the sun is stronger by that point and it tends to melt more quickly than in deep winter. I hope you get that break you need!

  3. The snow really does look beautiful, although very scary to drive in especially up hill. Hope you are enjoying warmer weather now.

  4. Your photos are so pretty. Thank you for visiting my blog. Glad you enjoyed your trip to Trader Joe's. A cheerful pot of flowers is a great idea!
