Friday, March 20, 2015

Marmite and the Flowers of Spring

Hi Dear Folk,

We are in need of seeing spring flowers because as I speak, more snow is falling, pretty thick and fast, but will not last because tomorrow is meant to be 55f.

Here is my pot of daffodils that I bought at Trader Joe's.  I had them at my desk for a while.

After the snow melted I found my snowdrops, trying their best to bloom, so I picked a few and put them in this Marmite jar.  What is it about a Marmite jar that I just like so much.  Maybe it's the childhood connection, I don't think they've change the iconic shape jar and the colour of the label for years.  Or maybe because all through High School I took a Marmite sandwich to school for elevenses, and on rainy days we all sat in the girls locker room with our goodies.

I just thought this made a nice little vase sitting on it's yellow top.

The weekend is here and what wonders will it bring?  I'm going to an Afternoon Tea on Sunday with a friend, so that will be fun.

Have a great weekend.



  1. Good to see the flowers. The snowdrops look so pretty in the marmite jar. What a good idea.

  2. I can't wait to visit with you at the tea!
