Sunday, February 15, 2015

Crochet Corner

Hi Dear Folk.

Hope you had a great weekend.  Weather wise it's been pretty crazy.  Saturday afternoon it snowed and then stopped, then started snowing again in the evening.  Later in the night the wind whipped up to the 50 mph winds that had been predicted.  I woke up during the night and the house was creaking.  I looked out at our big northern oak which is much taller than our house, but it looked alright, and I made sure my car wasn't parked under my other poor ash tree which is gradually dying.  In fact if a limb had fallen off it might have nudged Mr. B. to cut the tree down, which is what I would like.  Still holding it's own though.  Temperature wise we are around 8 f with a wind chill factor below zero and getting colder.  Still nothing like other areas in the States.

Friday after work I thought I'd go and check to see if some wool jumpers I've had my eye on had been reduced further.  They had been at 50% off in the department store, now they were 60% off, but no one is buying them, so I'm holding out for the 75% off, they were just so expensive to start off with.  We'll see.

I've been looking out for some waterproof boots on sale, but haven't found anything I liked there, but did wander over to section of stacked up shoe boxes just to see if anything caught my eye, and guess what an EW, yes extra wide, flats in a copperish patent leather toe and heal, with a golden, geometric glitter design fabric for the balance of the shoe.  They are pretty, they fit and they were cheap, bulls-eye.

Mr. B. surprised me with these little primulas a couple of weeks ago and they are still doing quite well.  I move them around to what ever room I'm in to keep enjoying them and thinking ahead to spring.

My shawl, I'm enjoying making this, it's very repetitive, totally simple, but I think I'm only just over half way there in the length, I want it long enough to wrap nicely and use all the yarn I have.  I feel this pattern very much suits the yarn that I have.

I've ordered some pale blue angora and mohair yarn from China and I will be most interested to see the quality of the yarn.  I didn't feel like spending a fortune for the border as all the yarn was around $3.00 from the thrift. China is all on holiday for the month of February, so will be interested to see when I receive it.

I do love the colour on this.

So I first started using this yarn for the fingerless mitts above, but I just did not like them in that yarn.  These are the mitts Mr. B. said looked like yarn wrapped around my hand. Plus when I made them again I took out several rows because I do not like them too long up the wrist.  I think when you wear winter clothing you do not need that length coming up the arm.

My little beret, which is a fun pattern to make.  I want to have another go at it, only making it larger.  Still need to add thumbs on the mitts.

On the fingerless mitts I've made several adjustments, shortening them, not slip stitching the rows together but crocheting them in a spiral.  I also changed the top to a picot stitch, instead of what was suggested. so lots of changes to make them how I like them.

A headband made with the limpet stitch from Mrs. McCawber's Recipe for Happiness blog 

My weekend does not end today because I have tomorrow off too.



  1. You are so industrious. I do love your shawl and the colours are just right. I nearly bought some primulas the other day but they were in a big bowl and I didn't think I could carry them home with the rest of my shopping. They are so pretty though. I hope your weather improves and your trees stay safe. We've hardly had a winter here.

  2. I love your crocheted gloves and beret. I love the heather yarn as well as the bright colors.I stll get so many compliments every time I wear the lovely sparkly scarf you made me to go with my coat. Every time I wear it!!
    Thinking of you...Candyce

  3. You are moving right along on all of your projects. I love the mitts, it is especially interesting to see how the color pools int he very colorful ones. I am making my crochet blanket and trudging on towards the finish.
    Hugs to you and stay warm,
