Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bailey Museum, Maui

Hi Dear Folk,

Sharing my tales of Hawaii.  Our trip up the valley was back to nature and that always invigorates one.  So what to do next, I had seen this little museum the Bailey Museum as we came into the valley so looked it up in our guide book, yes no iPhone for me, I got out my Baedecker, and since we were right there we stopped in on our way back and what a little gem of a place it turned out to be, see here.

The Bailey House is on main street across from Kaahumanu Church, was built for missionaries Edward and Caroline Bailey in 1833 on the former site of Hawaiian royal compound. Lava rock and native woods including koa were used in the construction of the building which originally housed the Wailuku Female Seminary.

This is The Lei Maker by Theodore Wores see here

The painting is in the Honolulu Museum of Art, painted 1901.  I love the frame it is in and would like to try and find something reminiscent of that at the thrift, a quest is on.

Edward Bailey was a keen painter and he studied or studied with ones from the Hudson River School of art see here that can be seen in his style. In fact some artists stayed here on their visit to the islands. I personally think his paintings are lovely.  He very much loved the islands and the people and wanted to capture that, before it was lost; of course the sad thing is that in them coming that is why it was lost.

I stood for a while listening to this ukulele teacher and student, I do have some video too, it was so interesting, I was ready to join in.

The little gift shop had lots of lovely local items.  I walked out with two things the Lei Maker poster, how could I not get that and a bottle of perfume, Maui Rain, it's an oil and a tiny dab goes a long way, I love it, every time I dab it on I'm transformed back to that lovely day.


So I'm ready to move in, look at the light falling onto the veranda, through the trees.  Anyone for afternoon tea?  I'll wear my cream lace and linen Edwardian dress with suitable matching hat and gloves.



  1. That looks so interesting and yes that's the house I would like. Definitely tea on the verandah.
