Friday, December 5, 2014

Reluctance to Resume

Hello Dear Folk,

It seems that I have a reluctance to resume blogging.  I have been analyzing this and can only say that coming back to the reality of November in Pennsylvania must be it, I landed with a big bump.  I have been on winter vacations before but when I think about it only to the UK which is also winter, so have not had to leave an idyllic weather pattern of 85f  and sunny, for 32f drizzly and dull.  Having said this, we totally ran ourselves ragged on vacation, yes I know, I'm not one to sit and lounge on the beach for too long, I have to be out and about seeing all there is to see.

Also the perfectionist side comes out in me, can I really do this vacation justice, by my mere paltry verbiage.  Our vacation was really split almost into two vacations, the week from Saturday to Monday week spent on Oahu as an International Convention delegate and the Monday to Saturday spent on Maui.

Well everyone should visit Hawaii at least once in a life time and as it was an JW International Convention in both English and Spanish, we met a lot of delegates from South America, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia and from Central America, Mexico.  As well as friends from many other countries.  As we were leaving the delegates for the second convention were coming in from Japan, New Zealand and Australia.  It was amazing to see everyone.  We were all greeted at the airport with Orange Leis, but that's a whole other story.  We wore these where ever we went, to identify each other as international delegates. 

When we arrived home we were exhausted and I was so happy that it was a short three day work week, being Thanksgiving Holiday.  The Boy came home for the week, so enjoyed that time together. 

This week I've been working on baby booties for a shower this Sunday.  So here I am two weeks back and no post.  So future posts will be with pics.

Take care, have a wonderful weekend.


PS:  I did put up a new Hawaii banner, Waikiki Beach, with Diamond Head in the background.


  1. Good to see you back and look forward to the photos. Have twice been to hot places in the winter and it is a shock to the system coming back.

  2. So glad to see your posts. I have been so looking forward to them....and they are lovely. Sometimes you need to simmer on the trip and let the thoughts come. I'll share them with Dave and Georgianne. I loved hearing of their trip but haven't seen photos as yet.
