Friday, December 19, 2014

Makaha Congregation

Hi Dear Folk,

I would like to say we had a relaxing vacation in Hawaii by the beach, but when there's so much to see and do who has the time, maybe next time.  We were up and out by 7:00AM to be in time for the bus taking us to Makaha Congregation for a day with the friends.

Here we ran into again our dear little friend from Argentina and her dad.

The brother with the sign was our coach guide, he was not from Makaha congregation, but this congregation below, who turned out to wave at us as the bus went past in about ten seconds flat, and I only just about got a photo.  Wasn't that sweet?

Here we are being greeted and getting off the bus.

A continental breakfast was waiting for us.  Look at the beautiful table arrangements.  I love the flowers in Hawaii such vibrancy and lush.

Here were the dear friends whose car group I was in and who I went out with on service, both above and below.

Afterwards before going back to the Kingdom Hall for lunch we stopped off at this beach and a cave.

The food was delicious, many Hawaiian dishes.  I guess this sister wondered what the choice was.

This dear sister named after an Audrey Hepburn movie, was such a dear, I got to chatting with her and she said I have something for you and gave me the most beautiful Pareo, which is the Hawaiian and Polynesian word for Sarong.  It is black with beautiful large orange and white hibiscus flowers, I just love it, I will always treasure it as the outpouring of Love that we received from the Makaha Congregation.

The sister above makes beautiful jewelry from beach glass and stones.

These dear friends did a wonderful Hawaiian dance on the platform, with all those graceful hand movements, but I only have video of that.  The friends in the center, were to become during the coming week very good friends to Barb and I, although at this time I did not know this.

How could I not take a photo of this flower arrangement in the ladies bathroom.

A sad farewell.

Makaha is on the leeward side of Oahu, so is much drier and very often the area looks quit brown, but when we were there it looked very green because of the recent typhoon and rains.  Makaha Beach is one of the biggest beaches on the island that I got to see, but not so many tourists unless you're a surfer visit this side of the island.  Different friends were assigned to congregations within the area of Honolulu.  I think we went to the most distant congregation, an hours drive, so we got to see a lot of the island.

In the evening we took the hotel shuttle bus over to Waikiki Beach to catch the Hawaiian dancing. A show is put on three times a week and is free.  It is very good.  I especially enjoyed the older ladies, so graceful.

Aren't they lovely?


1 comment:

  1. What a lovely memorable day. The flowers are beautiful.
