Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Hanauma Bay

Hi Dear Folk,

Wednesday morning bright and early, a 6:30AM start on the coach.  I didn't look at my watch all day, but I would say we were at Hanauma Bay no later than 7:30 AM.  These were the three tour guides assigned to our congregation.  The Hawaiian brother and he is true Hawaiian decent, and I realized that I had seen him at the Makaha congregation the previous day, only not to speak to.

We traveled east out of Honolulu to Hanauma Bay.

Hanauma Bay is a nature preserve area known for it's snorkeling.

Just a few of the many buses taking the friends around the island on a circle tour. 

We ran into these friends again who had sat behind us on our flight out from Phoenix, they're from Atlanta, Georgia.

Now this was one of the larger beaches that I saw.

To me Hanauma Bay looks like the middle of a volcanic crater that has fallen in, it probably is, I will have to read up on it.  If you look at my landscape banner picture, you can see the whole shape of the bay.

Above and below is Koko Head see here  Somehow this is a name that sticks in my mind from childhood, no idea how.

I avoided this queue.

Ran into some friends, who believe it or not live within a twenty mile radius of home and attend the Chinese Congregation.

I am going to try and step up my pace on my Hawaii postings and try and have them complete before the New Year.



  1. Lovely photos. Koko Head looks so interesting.

  2. So so beautiful! And to be with the friends is the best. We really do have the best life ever!
