Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Impromptu Picnic by Ithaca Falls

Hi Folk,

You probably noticed that I changed my banner.  I now have a photo of the vineyards along Lake Seneca up there.  As you know we were up early last Friday and stopped off at Krispy Kreme for a break.  This was on a side road us we got off the main highway and cut across country to our motel and checked in. 

We got a motel outside of Ithaca because if you have ever tried getting a hotel or motel room in a college town of 26,000 students, it is hard and especially to find one in the price range that we wanted so we stayed in another town.

We met The Boy at 1:30pm at his apartment, we had been there about five minutes when he came whizzing down the hill on his bike and flying around the corner.  By the time we got over to The Man in the Moon CafĂ© it was closed at 2:15pm, we did not realize that they close at 2:00pm.  So we went over to Aurora Shoe Co and I bought a pair of open toe sandals for my trip, the New Mexican in navy.  So that was all rush, rush because by then we had not eaten and Rob had to be at work by 4:00pm.  Dashed up the road from his to a Deli, Rogan's and bought sandwiches, half ate them and got The Boy back to his place to rush down the hill on his bike to work.  Bike down, bus back.

So Mr. B. and I decided that a slower pace was needed and took our half eaten sandwiches down to Ithaca falls to have an impromptu picnic and a little slower pace.  So here we are by the falls.

The leaves were just right in New York state.  It was so peaceful listening to the falls.

And watching Mr. and Mrs. Duck wading in the water and feeding themselves.

Mr. B. and I by Ithaca Falls.  I'm wearing the coat that my sister knitted and Mr. B. is wearing an Ithaca Bomber's hoody.

Here are a couple of shots taken from the bridge.

After that we looked around downtown Ithaca, walked through The Commons area which they say will be ready by the holidays but who knows, it's been torn up forever,  and then hung out at Collegetown Bagels on Aurora Street.  I got a chai latte and Mr. B. a coffee. I actually found a paper map of NY State at the tourist center yippee, paper maps are now like gold dust.  So we sat and read our brochures and then set off back to our motel, for a good night's rest.



  1. So pleased you had a nice break together. What a beautiful place. Your coat is lovely and must have taken a lot of patience to knit.

  2. Such a lovely place to visit your boy. Glad you had a wonderful time.
