Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Happy Things

Hi Dear Folk,

Have been feeling kind of run down and tired since we got back from Ithaca.  We had a lovely but very busy weekend and some very late night driving home.  On top of that I caught a mouth ulcer which is very painful and from what I've read up they just have to run their course.  You can use meds to help with the pain, but it will not lessen the cycle.  So not ill but not feeling on top of the world.

But here are a few happy things.  A very solid little gift from my friend Jean in the UK, for our anniversary along with a card that reminded me of Gustav Klimit, The Kiss.  I think it was the way that the champagne bottle was filled in.

And what could be more warmly received than these, for Mr. and Mrs.  They were split up this way, The Mr. does not like any nuts or raisins in his chocolate, the Mrs. does like raisins and nuts in here chocolate, reminds me of the poem Jack Sprat.  Thank you we thoroughly enjoyed them.

A posy just picked out of my garden the last of what will bloom this year.

An anniversary gift from Mr. B. bought in Skaneateles.  He wanted me to choose something while we were away and I didn't really see anything I especially wanted until I spied this.  "This is what I want dear."  There were two colours, one more of a cream, so Mr. B. did choose the colour and he liked the finish more on this one and I did too.

I am a happy girl walking around with my little handled, pottery yarn bowl and of course the most important thing it works great.

I'm still working on my crochet socks.  The first one is finished.

Have made a long list for Hawaii and am staging things on The Boy's bed, well he isn't using it right now.  Getting clothes washed and ironed and gathering everything in one place.  It makes me feel less stressed, because one does not want to feel stressed over something that is such fun.

A family we know visited Maui in August, so had Barb and I over for lunch, we looked at some of their photos and went over the map they had.  The tips they gave us were very helpful, I'm very visual when it comes to maps and travel, I guess that's why I'm not crazy about seeing a very small screen on GPS just for one turn left and turn right, I like the whole picture.  Some roads on Maui are dirt roads, but you can still drive them, so we probably will.  I'm up for it.  In any case you get to see more of the island by doing so, so that was a helpful tip.

Well must go.


1 comment:

  1. Sorry you have been a bit under the weather and hope the ulcer is better before you go away. Your trip sounds so exciting and I agree about the maps. Poring over a map gives you a feel for the whole area. Glad the choc arrived safely and lots of other happy things. I have never seen a yarn bowl before. Practical and pretty. Lovely flower arrangement. Its amazing how many flowers are still out although mainly seed heads now.
