Monday, September 15, 2014

Our Sunday Cycles and Crafts - Challenge Movement

Hi Dear Folk,

Down to the forties last night and I was positively chilly an extra quilt is going on our bed tonight.  When folk in the southern hemisphere start talking about spring I start thinking it's not autumn yet.  We have a week or so before it truly is.

After kiboshing our trip to Cape May, Mr. B. came home. no work, it's showering.  So then we decided to go to a craft fair that was on for Saturday and Sunday, but by the time we got half way there it was bucketing down, so kiboshed that and since we were near to a thrift shop that we hardly ever get to, we went there instead.  Mr. B. bought some CDs and I found a nice brand new three piece PJ set, so will use that for special occasions, you know the type with the matching dressing gown. Plus a wonderful Puffin teatowel from Iceland, I was so excited, I love Puffins, and a hand painted toast rack from Poland, I have always wanted a piece of Polish china, but I'm going to use it for letters.

We went home and cooked up a simple Tuscan spaghetti using all fresh tomatoes, garlic and basil.  We bought Asiago cheese for the top and some prosciutto.

Sunday as the sun came out we decided to go to the Craft Fair, I knew a friend would be showing her quilt wares.  There was also a bike race going on.

Personal photo challenge - Movement  Sony Cybershot DSC HX1

I did like this lady.

Just a few of the stalls.

Mr. B.  helped me to figure out a little panning to get movement into the shot, I liked these the best.  ISO 125 F8

Some entertainment.

Little needle felted dogs.  She wires these first and then felts around them.

Revamped old jumpers and cardigans, pieced together with a serger.

This was my favourite, I know more pottery, but I did not buy it, but I did like it.  Just right for a soup or bowl of noodles.  There were other colours but blue was my favourite.

Some houses in town.

I did buy a pottery dragonfly button, which I am going to put elastic through and use as a hair tie.



  1. Yes I put a heavier quilt on the bed last week and warmer pjs! Shame about the rain but you still had a lovely weekend. Haven't been to a craft fair for ages as the ones near here don't happen anymore. I enjoyed your pics and as usual you found lovely things in the thrift.

  2. The cycling shots are great - each one definitely shows movement. Panning is something I want to try more of - your photo turned out well.

  3. Beautiful photos! Where was the craft fair? The green shop that has the open sign looks like where I had lunch when on jury duty in Doylestown.

  4. I don't know what happened to the comment that I posted yesterday, but it's not here. Good thing I revisited! Thank you so much for joining in on the monthly photo challenge. You did very well on the bicycle panning shots to emphasize their speed!

  5. The cycling looks like it was fun to watch. I love that bowl, it would make a great yarn bowl.
