Thursday, September 4, 2014

Fuchsia and The Adolescent Squirrel

Hi Dear Folk,

No photos today, just what’s going on.  It’s very slow at work, mixed feelings over that, I do not like to be rushed off my feet; on the other hand I do like a steady flow of work.

Was wide awake at 4:00AM so got up, made a cup of tea and sat outside on my wicker chair, just quiet time contemplating life and should I start gardening in my white linen nightdress, of course I do.

Last weekend I thought let me pop into Plymouth Produce and see if there are any end of season deals on perennials, there really wasn’t but they did have some perennial fuchsias.  This has been a long time quest for me, a perennial fuchsia that I could buy here in Pennsylvania.  What I mean is must be sold at the places that are on my usual routes and at a price that I deem to be a good deal.  Two perennial fuchsias for $5.00, I bought two peach coloured and one red, the lady gave them all to me for $2.50 each.  I was so happy.  Now where to plant them?

So here I am at 4:00 AM with shovel in hand, a marvelous little shovel that was my father in laws and must date back to the fifties, it is the best little shovel, the whole handle and shovel are molded all in one, and then a wooden handle which comes up the centre, not a very good description, but it gives you some idea.

I planted one fuchsia in my little kitchen garden by the backdoor; this is where I will see it the most.  I planted another in a big pot, one of those thick insulated type ones that you can leave plants outside during the winter and they seem to make it through, not freezing off the roots. This sits by my wicker chair.  I already had some annuals in here so took them out and replanted them in other pots.  These other pots had impatiens in, and they all looked beautiful and then all of a sudden everyone planted all over the garden at different points all died at just about the same time.  Remind me not to buy impatiens next year.

I have one more fuchsia left to plant, I’m thinking of putting that in another big pot I have.  Hoping both these will make it through the winter, but just in case I’ll go back and buy two more and plant them by my pond patio.  I have always thought why do I see perennial fuchsia in all the gardens in England and I never see them over here and our winters are not that much harder, but now I have some. 

I have this squirrel who I have named - The Adolescent squirrel, he is so bad, he took off with a large Ox Heart tomato, ate some and left the rest, he has munched his way through my grape tomatoes, and is the most brazen little feller, he walked right up to Tinkerbell, of course she didn’t turn a hair and just sat there, then he walks right up to me, in that jumpy little gait that they have.  The other day I came home and sitting on my back doorstep was a whole peanut, like a gift offering, just sitting there.  I honestly think he ate all my gladioli bulbs, I planted a load and nothing came up.  He is always digging out my pots and killing my plants. He needs to offer gifts to me because I am so mad with him.

So after my plantings I just sat with Tinkerbell and my cup of tea, looking at the stars, then I thought I should try and get an hours sleep before having to get up for work.

Bye for now,

1 comment:

  1. I have loads of perennial fuchsias which have survived for about 25 years even through the few hard winters we had. They are so easy and have a long flowering period. Last year all the impatiens were dying as there was a disease affecting them. I didn't have any but even at the garden centres they were affected. I'm glad the squirrels don't come into my garden although there are plenty in the woods nearby. I know they do a lot of damage in the garden. Well I tend to get carried away in the garden in the evenings until it is too dark to see but I have not tried 4 am yet.
