Sunday, September 21, 2014

Down To The Creek

Hello!  Mr. B. and I decided to take a walk by the Creek.  It seemed that other folk made the same choice, including four footed friends.

Capturing the Flora of the season, as we are betwixt and between seasons.  The temps have been around 80f only problem is allergy season for me. It is however my favourite time of year, well our anniversary is early October and the weather is almost always just lovely.

The Boy has found through the college work program a job as an Elementary School assistant which he says he really likes and he did emphasize really, and the school is very near to where he lives, in fact nearer than the college so he is very happy.  Now he's just got to find another job to fill in.

I have noticed that our Electric and Gas bill has gone down by $25.00 since Rob has left.  New gas furnace still needs to be installed, that will be a chunk of change, but we are getting near to the season when we will need it.  Did also have a cord of wood delivered.

A chunk of wood fell on Mr. B.s ankle bone and was swollen and sore, it was suggested by an Indian feller that B. works with, that he should put a poultice on of Turmeric and Salt, mixed into a paste poultice and applied to the bruised and swollen area.  This certainly did seem to help.  Always good to learn natural medical practices, even from the other side of the world.

Yesterday I started a crochet sock pattern five times and I still need to have another go at it.  I did break down and admitted that I did need to work under the magnifying light with that finer thread.

Oh, it's a long long time from May to December
But the days grow short when you reach September
When the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame
One hasn't got time for the waiting game.
Oh the days dwindle down to a precious few
September, November.
And these precious days I'll spend with you.
These precious days I'll spend with you.

I saw this mentioned on another blog Magnon's Meanderings and I agree Lotte Lenya's 1957 version is the best.  

Having a lovely cool drink.

Just sat on rocks in the middle of the creek and took photos, was fun.  The sound of cascading water is so relaxing.

So I will leave you with this.


1 comment:

  1. Lovely pics as usual and I enjoyed taking the walk with you. Yes Autumn is my favorite time as well. It seems peaceful. Am trying to walk by the river every day. Turmeric is wonderful for all sorts of medicinal uses. India is streets ahead of us with natural cures. I have the same problem sewing etc in artificial light so am thinking of changing to LED which is supposed to be brighter and cheaper. Glad Rob's enjoying his job. A future career? I loved the song. It was on Desmond Carrington's program on R2 last week but not sure who the singer was.
